macro_rules! fixed_round {
($Fixed:ident[$s_fixed:expr]($s_nbits:expr), $Signedness:tt) => {
comment! {
"Returns the integer part.
if_signed_unsigned! {
"Note that since the numbers are stored in two’s
complement, negative numbers with non-zero fractional parts will be
rounded towards −∞, except in the case where there are no integer
bits, that is `", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits, ">`, where the return value is always zero.",
"Note that for unsigned numbers, this is equivalent to [`floor`].",
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
// 0010.0000
let two = Fix::from_num(2);
// 0010.0100
let two_and_quarter = two + two / 8;
assert_eq!(, two);
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"// 1101.0000
let three = Fix::from_num(3);
// 1101.1100
assert_eq!((-two_and_quarter).int(), -three);
if_unsigned_else_empty_str! {
[`floor`]: #method.floor
pub fn int(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
Self::from_bits(self.to_bits() & Self::INT_MASK)
comment! {
"Returns the fractional part.
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"Note that since the numbers are stored in two’s
complement, the returned fraction will be non-negative for negative
numbers, except in the case where there are no integer bits, that is
`", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits, ">` where the return value is always equal to
"# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
// 0000.0100
let quarter = Fix::from_num(1) / 4;
// 0010.0100
let two_and_quarter = quarter * 9;
assert_eq!(two_and_quarter.frac(), quarter);
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"// 0000.1100
let three_quarters = quarter * 3;
// 1101.1100
assert_eq!((-two_and_quarter).frac(), three_quarters);
pub fn frac(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
Self::from_bits(self.to_bits() & Self::FRAC_MASK)
comment! {
"Rounds to the next integer towards 0.
if_unsigned_else_empty_str! {
"Note that for unsigned numbers, this is equivalent to [`floor`].
"# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.1).round_to_zero(), Fix::from_num(2));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.9).round_to_zero(), Fix::from_num(2));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.1).round_to_zero(), Fix::from_num(-2));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.9).round_to_zero(), Fix::from_num(-2));
if_unsigned_else_empty_str! {
[`floor`]: #method.floor
pub fn round_to_zero(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
if_signed! {
if self.is_negative() && self.frac() != 0 {
let int =;
let increment = Self::from_bits(Self::INT_LSB);
if Self::INT_NBITS == 1 {
return int - increment;
return int + increment;
comment! {
"Rounds to the next integer towards +∞.
# Panics
When debug assertions are enabled, panics if the result does not fit.
When debug assertions are not enabled, the wrapped result can be
returned, but it is not considered a breaking change if in the future
it panics; if wrapping is required use [`wrapping_ceil`] instead.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).ceil(), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).ceil(), Fix::from_num(-2));
[`wrapping_ceil`]: #method.wrapping_ceil
pub fn ceil(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (ceil, overflow) = self.overflowing_ceil();
debug_assert!(!overflow, "overflow");
let _ = overflow;
comment! {
"Rounds to the next integer towards −∞.
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"# Panics
When debug assertions are enabled, panics if the result does not fit.
When debug assertions are not enabled, the wrapped result can be
returned, but it is not considered a breaking change if in the future
it panics; if wrapping is required use [`wrapping_floor`] instead.
Overflow can only occur when there are zero integer bits.
"# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).floor(), Fix::from_num(2));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).floor(), Fix::from_num(-3));
[`wrapping_floor`]: #method.wrapping_floor
pub fn floor(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (floor, overflow) = self.overflowing_floor();
debug_assert!(!overflow, "overflow");
let _ = overflow;
comment! {
"Rounds to the nearest integer, with ties rounded away
from zero.
# Panics
When debug assertions are enabled, panics if the result does not fit.
When debug assertions are not enabled, the wrapped result can be
returned, but it is not considered a breaking change if in the future
it panics; if wrapping is required use [`wrapping_round`] instead.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).round(), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).round(), Fix::from_num(-3));
[`wrapping_round`]: #method.wrapping_round
pub fn round(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (round, overflow) = self.overflowing_round();
debug_assert!(!overflow, "overflow");
let _ = overflow;
comment! {
"Rounds to the nearest integer, with ties rounded to even.
# Panics
When debug assertions are enabled, panics if the result does not fit.
When debug assertions are not enabled, the wrapped result can be
returned, but it is not considered a breaking change if in the future
it panics; if wrapping is required use [`wrapping_round_ties_to_even`]
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).round_ties_to_even(), Fix::from_num(2));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3.5).round_ties_to_even(), Fix::from_num(4));
[`wrapping_round_ties_to_even`]: #method.wrapping_round_ties_to_even
pub fn round_ties_to_even(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (round, overflow) = self.overflowing_round_ties_to_even();
debug_assert!(!overflow, "overflow");
let _ = overflow;
comment! {
"Checked ceil. Rounds to the next integer towards +∞,
returning [`None`] on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).checked_ceil(), Some(Fix::from_num(3)));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).checked_ceil(), Some(Fix::from_num(-2)));
pub fn checked_ceil(self) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
let (ceil, overflow) = self.overflowing_ceil();
if overflow { None } else { Some(ceil) }
comment! {
"Checked floor. Rounds to the next integer towards −∞.",
if_signed_unsigned! {
"Returns [`None`] on overflow.
Overflow can only occur when there are zero integer bits.",
"Always returns [`Some`] for unsigned values.",
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{",
if_signed_unsigned! {
types::extra::{U4, U", $s_nbits, "},
", $s_fixed, ",
concat!("types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed),
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).checked_floor(), Some(Fix::from_num(2)));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).checked_floor(), Some(Fix::from_num(-3)));
type AllFrac = ", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits, ">;
if_signed_unsigned! {
pub fn checked_floor(self) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
let (floor, overflow) = self.overflowing_floor();
if overflow { None } else { Some(floor) }
comment! {
"Checked round. Rounds to the nearest integer, with ties
rounded away from zero, returning [`None`] on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).checked_round(), Some(Fix::from_num(3)));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).checked_round(), Some(Fix::from_num(-3)));
pub fn checked_round(self) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
let (round, overflow) = self.overflowing_round();
if overflow { None } else { Some(round) }
comment! {
"Checked round. Rounds to the nearest integer, with ties
rounded to even, returning [`None`] on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).checked_round_ties_to_even(), Some(Fix::from_num(2)));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3.5).checked_round_ties_to_even(), Some(Fix::from_num(4)));
pub fn checked_round_ties_to_even(self) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
let (round, overflow) = self.overflowing_round_ties_to_even();
if overflow { None } else { Some(round) }
comment! {
"Saturating ceil. Rounds to the next integer towards +∞,
saturating on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).saturating_ceil(), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).saturating_ceil(), Fix::from_num(-2));
"assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().saturating_ceil(), Fix::max_value());
pub fn saturating_ceil(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (ceil, overflow) = self.overflowing_ceil();
if overflow { Self::max_value() } else { ceil }
comment! {
"Saturating floor. Rounds to the next integer towards −∞",
if_signed_unsigned! {
", saturating on overflow.
Overflow can only occur when there are zero integer bits.",
". Cannot overflow for unsigned values.",
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{",
if_signed_unsigned! {
types::extra::{U4, U", $s_nbits, "},
", $s_fixed, ",
concat!("types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed),
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).saturating_floor(), Fix::from_num(2));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).saturating_floor(), Fix::from_num(-3));
type AllFrac = ", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits, ">;
assert_eq!(AllFrac::min_value().saturating_floor(), AllFrac::min_value());
pub fn saturating_floor(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (floor, overflow) = self.overflowing_floor();
if overflow { Self::min_value() } else { floor }
comment! {
"Saturating round. Rounds to the nearest integer, with
ties rounded away from zero, and saturating on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).saturating_round(), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).saturating_round(), Fix::from_num(-3));
"assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().saturating_round(), Fix::max_value());
pub fn saturating_round(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let saturated = if self.to_bits() > 0 {
} else {
let (round, overflow) = self.overflowing_round();
if overflow { saturated } else { round }
comment! {
"Saturating round. Rounds to the nearest integer, with
ties rounded to even, and saturating on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).saturating_round_ties_to_even(), Fix::from_num(2));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3.5).saturating_round_ties_to_even(), Fix::from_num(4));
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().saturating_round_ties_to_even(), Fix::max_value());
pub fn saturating_round_ties_to_even(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let saturated = if self.to_bits() > 0 {
} else {
let (round, overflow) = self.overflowing_round_ties_to_even();
if overflow { saturated } else { round }
comment! {
"Wrapping ceil. Rounds to the next integer towards +∞,
wrapping on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).wrapping_ceil(), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).wrapping_ceil(), Fix::from_num(-2));
"assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().wrapping_ceil(), Fix::min_value());
pub fn wrapping_ceil(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"Wrapping floor. Rounds to the next integer towards −∞",
if_signed_unsigned! {
", wrapping on overflow.
Overflow can only occur when there are zero integer bits.",
". Cannot overflow for unsigned values.",
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{",
if_signed_unsigned! {
types::extra::{U4, U", $s_nbits, "},
", $s_fixed, ",
concat!("types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed),
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).wrapping_floor(), Fix::from_num(2));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).wrapping_floor(), Fix::from_num(-3));
type AllFrac = ", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits, ">;
assert_eq!(AllFrac::min_value().wrapping_floor(), AllFrac::from_num(0));
pub fn wrapping_floor(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"Wrapping round. Rounds to the next integer to the
nearest, with ties rounded away from zero, and wrapping on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).wrapping_round(), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).wrapping_round(), Fix::from_num(-3));
"assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().wrapping_round(), Fix::min_value());
pub fn wrapping_round(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"Wrapping round. Rounds to the next integer to the
nearest, with ties rounded to even, and wrapping on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).wrapping_round_ties_to_even(), Fix::from_num(2));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3.5).wrapping_round_ties_to_even(), Fix::from_num(4));
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().wrapping_round_ties_to_even(), Fix::min_value());
pub fn wrapping_round_ties_to_even(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"Overflowing ceil. Rounds to the next integer towards +∞.
Returns a [tuple] of the fixed-point number and a [`bool`], indicating
whether an overflow has occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).overflowing_ceil(), (Fix::from_num(3), false));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).overflowing_ceil(), (Fix::from_num(-2), false));
"assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().overflowing_ceil(), (Fix::min_value(), true));
pub fn overflowing_ceil(self) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let int =;
if self.frac() == 0 {
return (int, false);
if Self::INT_NBITS == 0 {
return (int, self.to_bits() > 0);
let increment = Self::from_bits(Self::INT_LSB);
if_signed! {
if Self::INT_NBITS == 1 {
return int.overflowing_sub(increment);
comment! {
"Overflowing floor. Rounds to the next integer towards −∞.
Returns a [tuple] of the fixed-point number and
if_signed_unsigned! {
"a [`bool`], indicating whether an overflow has
occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value isreturned. Overflow can only
occur when there are zero integer bits.",
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{",
if_signed_unsigned! {
types::extra::{U4, U", $s_nbits, "},
", $s_fixed, ",
concat!("types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed),
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).overflowing_floor(), (Fix::from_num(2), false));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).overflowing_floor(), (Fix::from_num(-3), false));
type AllFrac = ", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits, ">;
assert_eq!(AllFrac::min_value().overflowing_floor(), (AllFrac::from_num(0), true));
pub fn overflowing_floor(self) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let int =;
if_signed! {
if Self::INT_NBITS == 0 {
return (int, self.to_bits() < 0);
(int, false)
comment! {
"Overflowing round. Rounds to the next integer to the
nearest, with ties rounded away from zero.
Returns a [tuple] of the fixed-point number and a [`bool`] indicating
whether an overflow has occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).overflowing_round(), (Fix::from_num(3), false));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-2.5).overflowing_round(), (Fix::from_num(-3), false));
"assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().overflowing_round(), (Fix::min_value(), true));
pub fn overflowing_round(self) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let int =;
if (self.to_bits() & Self::FRAC_MSB) == 0 {
return (int, false);
let increment = Self::from_bits(Self::INT_LSB);
if_signed! {
let tie = self.frac().to_bits() == Self::FRAC_MSB;
if Self::INT_NBITS == 0 {
return (int, tie);
if tie && self.to_bits() < 0 {
return (int, false);
if Self::INT_NBITS == 1 {
return int.overflowing_sub(increment);
if_unsigned! {
if Self::INT_NBITS == 0 {
return (int, true);
comment! {
"Overflowing round. Rounds to the next integer to the
nearest, with ties rounded to even.
Returns a [tuple] of the fixed-point number and a [`bool`] indicating
whether an overflow has occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(2.5).overflowing_round_ties_to_even(), (Fix::from_num(2), false));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3.5).overflowing_round_ties_to_even(), (Fix::from_num(4), false));
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().overflowing_round_ties_to_even(), (Fix::min_value(), true));
pub fn overflowing_round_ties_to_even(self) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let int =;
if (self.to_bits() & Self::FRAC_MSB) == 0 {
return (int, false);
if self.frac().to_bits() == Self::FRAC_MSB && (int.to_bits() & Self::INT_LSB) == 0 {
return (int, false);
let increment = Self::from_bits(Self::INT_LSB);
if_signed! {
if Self::INT_NBITS == 1 {
} else {
if_unsigned! {
if Self::INT_NBITS == 0 {
return (int, true);