macro_rules! fixed_frac {
$Inner:ty[$s_inner:expr], $LeEqU:tt, $s_nbits:expr, $s_nbits_m4:expr
$UInner:ty, $Signedness:tt
) => {
impl<Frac: $LeEqU> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"The number of integer bits.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U6, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U6>;
assert_eq!(Fix::INT_NBITS, ", $s_nbits, " - 6);
pub const INT_NBITS: u32 = mem::size_of::<$Inner>() as u32 * 8 - Self::FRAC_NBITS;
comment! {
"The number of fractional bits.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U6, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U6>;
assert_eq!(Fix::FRAC_NBITS, 6);
pub const FRAC_NBITS: u32 = Frac::U32;
const INT_MASK: $Inner =
!0 << (Self::FRAC_NBITS / 2) << (Self::FRAC_NBITS - Self::FRAC_NBITS / 2);
const FRAC_MASK: $Inner = !Self::INT_MASK;
const INT_LSB: $Inner = Self::INT_MASK ^ (Self::INT_MASK << 1);
const FRAC_MSB: $Inner =
Self::FRAC_MASK ^ ((Self::FRAC_MASK as $UInner) >> 1) as $Inner;
comment! {
"Returns the number of integer bits.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U6, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U6>;
assert_eq!(Fix::int_nbits(), ", $s_nbits, " - 6);
pub fn int_nbits() -> u32 {
comment! {
"Returns the number of fractional bits.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U6, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U6>;
assert_eq!(Fix::frac_nbits(), 6);
pub fn frac_nbits() -> u32 {
fixed_from_to! { $Fixed[$s_fixed]($Inner[$s_inner], $s_nbits), $Signedness }
fixed_round! { $Fixed[$s_fixed]($s_nbits), $Signedness }
if_signed! {
comment! {
"Returns a number representing the sign of `self`.
# Panics
When debug assertions are enabled, this method panics
* if the value is positive and the fixed-point number has zero
or one integer bits such that it cannot hold the value 1.
* if the value is negative and the fixed-point number has zero
integer bits, such that it cannot hold the value −1.
When debug assertions are not enabled, the wrapped value can be
returned in those cases, but it is not considered a breaking change if
in the future it panics; using this method when 1 and −1 cannot be
represented is almost certainly a bug.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(5).signum(), 1);
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(0).signum(), 0);
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-5).signum(), -1);
pub fn signum(self) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
match self.to_bits().cmp(&0) {
Ordering::Equal => Self::from_bits(0),
Ordering::Greater => Self::from_num(1),
Ordering::Less => Self::from_num(-1),
comment! {
"Euclidean division.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
When debug assertions are enabled, this method also panics if the
division overflows. When debug assertions are not enabled, the wrapped
value can be returned, but it is not considered a breaking change if
in the future it panics; if wrapping is required use
[`wrapping_div_euclid`] instead.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::from_num(-4));
[`wrapping_div_euclid`]: #method.wrapping_div_euclid
pub fn div_euclid(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let q = (self / rhs).round_to_zero();
if_signed! {
if (self % rhs).is_negative() {
return if rhs.is_positive() {
q - Self::from_num(1)
} else {
q + Self::from_num(1)
comment! {
"Euclidean division by an integer.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"When debug assertions are enabled, this method
also panics if the division overflows. Overflow can only occur when
dividing the minimum value by −1. When debug assertions are not
enabled, the wrapped value can be returned, but it is not considered a
breaking change if in the future it panics; if wrapping is required
use [`wrapping_div_euclid_int`] instead.
"# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).div_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).div_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(-4));
[`wrapping_div_euclid_int`]: #method.wrapping_div_euclid_int
pub fn div_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let q = (self / rhs).round_to_zero();
if_signed! {
if (self % rhs).is_negative() {
return if rhs.is_positive() {
q - Self::from_num(1)
} else {
q + Self::from_num(1)
comment! {
"Remainder for Euclidean division by an integer.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).rem_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(1.5));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).rem_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(0.5));
pub fn rem_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (ans, overflow) = self.overflowing_rem_euclid_int(rhs);
debug_assert!(!overflow, "overflow");
comment! {
"Checked multiplication. Returns the product, or [`None`] on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().checked_mul(Fix::from_num(1)), Some(Fix::max_value()));
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().checked_mul(Fix::from_num(2)), None);
pub fn checked_mul(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
match self.to_bits().mul_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32) {
(ans, false) => Some(Self::from_bits(ans)),
(_, true) => None,
comment! {
"Checked division. Returns the quotient, or [`None`] if
the divisor is zero or on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().checked_div(Fix::from_num(1)), Some(Fix::max_value()));
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().checked_div(Fix::from_num(1) / 2), None);
pub fn checked_div(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
if rhs.to_bits() == 0 {
return None;
match self.to_bits().div_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32) {
(ans, false) => Some(Self::from_bits(ans)),
(_, true) => None,
comment! {
"Checked Euclidean division. Returns the quotient, or
[`None`] if the divisor is zero or on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).checked_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), Some(Fix::from_num(3)));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).checked_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(0)), None);
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().checked_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(0.25)), None);
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).checked_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), Some(Fix::from_num(-4)));
pub fn checked_div_euclid(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
let q = self.checked_div(rhs)?.round_to_zero();
if_signed! {
if (self % rhs).is_negative() {
return if rhs.is_positive() {
} else {
comment! {
"Checked fixed-point remainder for division by an integer.
Returns the remainder, or [`None`] if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3.75).checked_rem_int(2), Some(Fix::from_num(1.75)));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3.75).checked_rem_int(0), None);
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-3.75).checked_rem_int(2), Some(Fix::from_num(-1.75)));
pub fn checked_rem_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
match Self::checked_from_num(rhs) {
Some(fixed_rhs) => self.checked_rem(fixed_rhs),
None => Some(if_signed_unsigned!(
if self == Self::min_value()
&& (Self::INT_NBITS > 0 && rhs == 1 << (Self::INT_NBITS - 1))
} else {
comment! {
"Checked Euclidean division by an integer. Returns the
quotient, or [`None`] if the divisor is zero",
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
" or if the division results in overflow",
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).checked_div_euclid_int(2), Some(Fix::from_num(3)));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).checked_div_euclid_int(0), None);
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::min_value().checked_div_euclid_int(-1), None);
pub fn checked_div_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
let q = self.checked_div_int(rhs)?.round_to_zero();
if_signed! {
if (self % rhs).is_negative() {
return if rhs.is_positive() {
} else {
comment! {
"Checked remainder for Euclidean division by an integer.
Returns the remainder, or [`None`] if the divisor is zero",
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
" or if the remainder results in overflow",
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U", $s_nbits_m4, ", ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits_m4, ">;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).checked_rem_euclid_int(2), Some(Fix::from_num(1.5)));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).checked_rem_euclid_int(0), None);
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).checked_rem_euclid_int(2), Some(Fix::from_num(0.5)));
// −8 ≤ Fix < 8, so the answer 12.5 overflows
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).checked_rem_euclid_int(20), None);
pub fn checked_rem_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> Option<$Fixed<Frac>> {
if_signed! {
let rem = self.checked_rem_int(rhs)?;
if rem >= 0 {
return Some(rem);
if Self::INT_NBITS == 0 {
return None;
let rhs_abs = rhs.wrapping_abs() as $UInner;
let remb = rem.to_bits();
let remb_abs = remb.wrapping_neg() as $UInner;
let rem_int_abs = remb_abs >> Self::FRAC_NBITS;
let rem_frac = remb & Self::FRAC_MASK;
let ans_int = rhs_abs - rem_int_abs - if rem_frac > 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
Self::checked_from_num(ans_int).map(|x| x | Self::from_bits(rem_frac))
if_unsigned! {
comment! {
"Saturating multiplication. Returns the product, saturating on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3).saturating_mul(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::from_num(6));
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().saturating_mul(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::max_value());
pub fn saturating_mul(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
match self.to_bits().mul_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32) {
(ans, false) => Self::from_bits(ans),
(_, true) => {
if (self < 0) != (rhs < 0) {
} else {
comment! {
"Saturating division. Returns the quotient, saturating on overflow.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
let one_half = Fix::from_num(1) / 2;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(1).saturating_div(Fix::from_num(2)), one_half);
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().saturating_div(one_half), Fix::max_value());
pub fn saturating_div(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
match self.to_bits().div_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32) {
(ans, false) => Self::from_bits(ans),
(_, true) => {
if (self < 0) != (rhs < 0) {
} else {
comment! {
"Saturating Euclidean division. Returns the quotient,
saturating on overflow.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).saturating_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::from_num(3));
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().saturating_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(0.25)), Fix::max_value());
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).saturating_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::from_num(-4));
assert_eq!(Fix::min_value().saturating_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(0.25)), Fix::min_value());
pub fn saturating_div_euclid(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
if rhs.to_bits() == 0 {
panic!("division by zero");
self.checked_div_euclid(rhs).unwrap_or_else(|| {
if (self.to_bits() > 0) == (rhs.to_bits() > 0) {
} else {
comment! {
"Wrapping multiplication. Returns the product, wrapping on overflow.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3).wrapping_mul(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::from_num(6));
let wrapped = Fix::from_bits(!0 << 2);
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().wrapping_mul(Fix::from_num(4)), wrapped);
pub fn wrapping_mul(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (ans, _) = self.to_bits().mul_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32);
comment! {
"Wrapping division. Returns the quotient, wrapping on overflow.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
let one_point_5 = Fix::from_bits(0b11 << (4 - 1));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3).wrapping_div(Fix::from_num(2)), one_point_5);
let quarter = Fix::from_num(1) / 4;
let wrapped = Fix::from_bits(!0 << 2);
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().wrapping_div(quarter), wrapped);
pub fn wrapping_div(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
let (ans, _) = self.to_bits().div_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32);
comment! {
"Wrapping Euclidean division. Returns the quotient, wrapping on overflow.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).wrapping_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), Fix::from_num(3));
let wrapped = Fix::max_value().wrapping_mul_int(4).round_to_zero();
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().wrapping_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(0.25)), wrapped);
pub fn wrapping_div_euclid(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"Wrapping Euclidean division by an integer. Returns the quotient",
if_signed_unsigned! {
", wrapping on overflow.
Overflow can only occur when dividing the minimum value by −1.",
Can never overflow for unsigned values.",
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).wrapping_div_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(3));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).wrapping_div_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(-4));
let wrapped = Fix::min_value().round_to_zero();
assert_eq!(Fix::min_value().wrapping_div_euclid_int(-1), wrapped);
pub fn wrapping_div_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"Wrapping remainder for Euclidean division by an integer. Returns the remainder",
if_signed_unsigned! {
", wrapping on overflow.
Note that while remainder for Euclidean division cannot be negative,
the wrapped value can be negative.",
Can never overflow for unsigned values.",
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U", $s_nbits_m4, ", ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits_m4, ">;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).wrapping_rem_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(1.5));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).wrapping_rem_euclid_int(2), Fix::from_num(0.5));
// −8 ≤ Fix < 8, so the answer 12.5 wraps to −3.5
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).wrapping_rem_euclid_int(20), Fix::from_num(-3.5));
pub fn wrapping_rem_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
comment! {
"Overflowing multiplication.
Returns a [tuple] of the product and a [`bool`] indicating whether an
overflow has occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is returned.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3).overflowing_mul(Fix::from_num(2)), (Fix::from_num(6), false));
let wrapped = Fix::from_bits(!0 << 2);
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().overflowing_mul(Fix::from_num(4)), (wrapped, true));
pub fn overflowing_mul(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let (ans, overflow) = self.to_bits().mul_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32);
(Self::from_bits(ans), overflow)
comment! {
"Overflowing division.
Returns a [tuple] of the quotient and a [`bool`] indicating whether an
overflow has occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is returned.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
let one_point_5 = Fix::from_bits(0b11 << (4 - 1));
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(3).overflowing_div(Fix::from_num(2)), (one_point_5, false));
let quarter = Fix::from_num(1) / 4;
let wrapped = Fix::from_bits(!0 << 2);
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().overflowing_div(quarter), (wrapped, true));
pub fn overflowing_div(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let (ans, overflow) = self.to_bits().div_overflow(rhs.to_bits(), Frac::U32);
(Self::from_bits(ans), overflow)
comment! {
"Overflowing Euclidean division.
Returns a [tuple] of the quotient and a [`bool`] indicating whether an
overflow has occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is returned.
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
let check = Fix::from_num(3);
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).overflowing_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(2)), (check, false));
let wrapped = Fix::max_value().wrapping_mul_int(4).round_to_zero();
assert_eq!(Fix::max_value().overflowing_div_euclid(Fix::from_num(0.25)), (wrapped, true));
pub fn overflowing_div_euclid(self, rhs: $Fixed<Frac>) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let (mut q, overflow) = self.overflowing_div(rhs);
q = q.round_to_zero();
if_signed! {
if (self % rhs).is_negative() {
let (q, overflow2) = if rhs.is_positive() {
let minus_one = match Self::checked_from_num(-1) {
None => return (q, true),
Some(s) => s,
} else {
let one = match Self::checked_from_num(1) {
None => return (q, true),
Some(s) => s,
return (q, overflow | overflow2);
(q, overflow)
comment! {
"Overflowing Euclidean division by an integer.
Returns a [tuple] of the quotient and ",
if_signed_unsigned! {
"a [`bool`] indicating whether an overflow has
occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is returned. Overflow can
only occur when dividing the minimum value by −1.",
"[`false`][`bool`], as the division can never overflow for unsigned values.",
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).overflowing_div_euclid_int(2), (Fix::from_num(3), false));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).overflowing_div_euclid_int(2), (Fix::from_num(-4), false));
let wrapped = Fix::min_value().round_to_zero();
assert_eq!(Fix::min_value().overflowing_div_euclid_int(-1), (wrapped, true));
pub fn overflowing_div_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
let (mut q, overflow) = self.overflowing_div_int(rhs);
q = q.round_to_zero();
if_signed! {
if (self % rhs).is_negative() {
let (q, overflow2) = if rhs.is_positive() {
let minus_one = match Self::checked_from_num(-1) {
None => return (q, true),
Some(s) => s,
} else {
let one = match Self::checked_from_num(1) {
None => return (q, true),
Some(s) => s,
return (q, overflow | overflow2);
(q, overflow)
comment! {
"Remainder for Euclidean division by an integer.
Returns a [tuple] of the remainder and ",
if_signed_unsigned! {
"a [`bool`] indicating whether an overflow has
occurred. On overflow, the wrapped value is returned.
Note that while remainder for Euclidean division cannot be negative,
the wrapped value can be negative.",
"[`false`][`bool`], as this can never overflow for unsigned values.",
# Panics
Panics if the divisor is zero.
# Examples
use substrate_fixed::{types::extra::U", $s_nbits_m4, ", ", $s_fixed, "};
type Fix = ", $s_fixed, "<U", $s_nbits_m4, ">;
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(7.5).overflowing_rem_euclid_int(2), (Fix::from_num(1.5), false));
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
"assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).overflowing_rem_euclid_int(2), (Fix::from_num(0.5), false));
// −8 ≤ Fix < 8, so the answer 12.5 wraps to −3.5
assert_eq!(Fix::from_num(-7.5).overflowing_rem_euclid_int(20), (Fix::from_num(-3.5), true));
pub fn overflowing_rem_euclid_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
if_signed! {
let rem = self % rhs;
if rem >= 0 {
return (rem, false);
if Self::INT_NBITS == 0 {
return (rem, true);
let rhs_abs = rhs.wrapping_abs() as $UInner;
let remb = rem.to_bits();
let remb_abs = remb.wrapping_neg() as $UInner;
let rem_int_abs = remb_abs >> Self::FRAC_NBITS;
let rem_frac = remb & Self::FRAC_MASK;
let ans_int = rhs_abs - rem_int_abs - if rem_frac > 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
let (ans, overflow) = Self::overflowing_from_num(ans_int);
(ans | Self::from_bits(rem_frac), overflow)
if_unsigned! {
(self % rhs, false)
#[deprecated(since = "0.5.3", note = "cannot overflow, use `%` or `Rem::rem` instead")]
pub fn wrapping_rem_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> $Fixed<Frac> {
self % rhs
#[deprecated(since = "0.5.3", note = "cannot overflow, use `%` or `Rem::rem` instead")]
pub fn overflowing_rem_int(self, rhs: $Inner) -> ($Fixed<Frac>, bool) {
(self % rhs, false)