use crate::api::timestamp;
use bytes::buf::ext::{Reader, BufExt};
use fnv::FnvHashMap;
use futures::{prelude::*, future, channel::mpsc};
use log::error;
use sp_core::offchain::{HttpRequestId, Timestamp, HttpRequestStatus, HttpError};
use std::{convert::TryFrom, fmt, io::Read as _, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}};
use sp_utils::mpsc::{tracing_unbounded, TracingUnboundedSender, TracingUnboundedReceiver};
use std::sync::Arc;
use hyper::{Client as HyperClient, Body, client};
use hyper_rustls::HttpsConnector;
pub struct SharedClient(Arc<HyperClient<HttpsConnector<client::HttpConnector>, Body>>);
impl SharedClient {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn http(shared_client: SharedClient) -> (HttpApi, HttpWorker) {
let (to_worker, from_api) = tracing_unbounded("mpsc_ocw_to_worker");
let (to_api, from_worker) = tracing_unbounded("mpsc_ocw_to_api");
let api = HttpApi {
from_worker: from_worker.fuse(),
next_id: HttpRequestId(rand::random::<u16>() % 2000),
requests: FnvHashMap::default(),
let engine = HttpWorker {
http_client: shared_client.0,
requests: Vec::new(),
(api, engine)
pub struct HttpApi {
to_worker: TracingUnboundedSender<ApiToWorker>,
from_worker: stream::Fuse<TracingUnboundedReceiver<WorkerToApi>>,
next_id: HttpRequestId,
requests: FnvHashMap<HttpRequestId, HttpApiRequest>,
enum HttpApiRequest {
NotDispatched(hyper::Request<hyper::Body>, hyper::body::Sender),
struct HttpApiRequestRp {
sending_body: Option<hyper::body::Sender>,
status_code: hyper::StatusCode,
headers: hyper::HeaderMap,
body: stream::Fuse<mpsc::Receiver<Result<hyper::body::Bytes, hyper::Error>>>,
current_read_chunk: Option<Reader<hyper::body::Bytes>>,
impl HttpApi {
pub fn request_start(
&mut self,
method: &str,
uri: &str
) -> Result<HttpRequestId, ()> {
let (body_sender, body) = hyper::Body::channel();
let mut request = hyper::Request::new(body);
*request.method_mut() = hyper::Method::from_bytes(method.as_bytes()).map_err(|_| ())?;
*request.uri_mut() = hyper::Uri::from_maybe_shared(uri.to_owned()).map_err(|_| ())?;
let new_id = self.next_id;
match self.next_id.0.checked_add(1) {
Some(new_id) => self.next_id.0 = new_id,
None => {
error!("Overflow in offchain worker HTTP request ID assignment");
return Err(());
self.requests.insert(new_id, HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(request, body_sender));
pub fn request_add_header(
&mut self,
request_id: HttpRequestId,
name: &str,
value: &str
) -> Result<(), ()> {
let request = match self.requests.get_mut(&request_id) {
Some(&mut HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(ref mut rq, _)) => rq,
_ => return Err(())
let name = hyper::header::HeaderName::try_from(name).map_err(drop)?;
let value = hyper::header::HeaderValue::try_from(value).map_err(drop)?;
request.headers_mut().append(name, value);
pub fn request_write_body(
&mut self,
request_id: HttpRequestId,
chunk: &[u8],
deadline: Option<Timestamp>
) -> Result<(), HttpError> {
let mut request = match self.requests.remove(&request_id) {
None => return Err(HttpError::Invalid),
Some(r) => r,
let mut deadline = timestamp::deadline_to_future(deadline);
let mut poll_sender = move |sender: &mut hyper::body::Sender| -> Result<(), HttpError> {
let mut when_ready = future::maybe_done(future::poll_fn(|cx| sender.poll_ready(cx)));
futures::executor::block_on(future::select(&mut when_ready, &mut deadline));
match when_ready {
future::MaybeDone::Done(Ok(())) => {}
future::MaybeDone::Done(Err(_)) => return Err(HttpError::IoError),
future::MaybeDone::Future(_) |
future::MaybeDone::Gone => {
debug_assert!(matches!(deadline, future::MaybeDone::Done(..)));
return Err(HttpError::DeadlineReached)
.map_err(|_| {
error!("HTTP sender refused data despite being ready");
loop {
request = match request {
HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(request, sender) => {
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ApiToWorker::Dispatch {
id: request_id,
HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(Some(mut sender)) =>
if !chunk.is_empty() {
match poll_sender(&mut sender) {
Err(HttpError::IoError) => return Err(HttpError::IoError),
other => {
return other
} else {
self.requests.insert(request_id, HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(None));
return Ok(())
HttpApiRequest::Response(mut response @ HttpApiRequestRp { sending_body: Some(_), .. }) =>
if !chunk.is_empty() {
match poll_sender(response.sending_body.as_mut()
.expect("Can only enter this match branch if Some; qed")) {
Err(HttpError::IoError) => return Err(HttpError::IoError),
other => {
self.requests.insert(request_id, HttpApiRequest::Response(response));
return other
} else {
self.requests.insert(request_id, HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp {
sending_body: None,
return Ok(())
HttpApiRequest::Fail(_) =>
return Err(HttpError::IoError),
v @ HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(None) |
v @ HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp { sending_body: None, .. }) => {
self.requests.insert(request_id, v);
return Err(HttpError::Invalid)
pub fn response_wait(
&mut self,
ids: &[HttpRequestId],
deadline: Option<Timestamp>
) -> Vec<HttpRequestStatus> {
for id in ids {
match self.requests.get_mut(id) {
Some(HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(_, _)) => {}
Some(HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(sending_body)) |
Some(HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp { sending_body, .. })) => {
let _ = sending_body.take();
_ => continue
let (request, _sender) = match self.requests.remove(id) {
Some(HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(rq, s)) => (rq, s),
_ => unreachable!("we checked for NotDispatched above; qed")
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ApiToWorker::Dispatch {
id: *id,
self.requests.insert(*id, HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(None));
let mut deadline = timestamp::deadline_to_future(deadline);
loop {
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(ids.len());
let mut must_wait_more = false;
for id in ids {
output.push(match self.requests.get(id) {
None => HttpRequestStatus::Invalid,
Some(HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(_, _)) =>
unreachable!("we replaced all the NotDispatched with Dispatched earlier; qed"),
Some(HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(_)) => {
must_wait_more = true;
Some(HttpApiRequest::Fail(_)) => HttpRequestStatus::IoError,
Some(HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp { status_code, .. })) =>
debug_assert_eq!(output.len(), ids.len());
let is_done = if let future::MaybeDone::Done(_) = deadline {
} else {
if is_done {
debug_assert_eq!(output.len(), ids.len());
for n in (0..ids.len()).rev() {
if let HttpRequestStatus::IoError = output[n] {
return output
let next_message = {
let mut next_msg = future::maybe_done(;
futures::executor::block_on(future::select(&mut next_msg, &mut deadline));
if let future::MaybeDone::Done(msg) = next_msg {
} else {
debug_assert!(matches!(deadline, future::MaybeDone::Done(..)));
match next_message {
Some(WorkerToApi::Response { id, status_code, headers, body }) =>
match self.requests.remove(&id) {
Some(HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(sending_body)) => {
self.requests.insert(id, HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp {
body: body.fuse(),
current_read_chunk: None,
None => {}
_ => error!("State mismatch between the API and worker"),
Some(WorkerToApi::Fail { id, error }) =>
match self.requests.remove(&id) {
Some(HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(_)) => {
self.requests.insert(id, HttpApiRequest::Fail(error));
None => {}
_ => error!("State mismatch between the API and worker"),
None => {
error!("Worker has crashed");
return ids.iter().map(|_| HttpRequestStatus::IoError).collect()
pub fn response_headers(
&mut self,
request_id: HttpRequestId
) -> Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> {
let _ = self.response_wait(&[request_id], Some(timestamp::now()));
let headers = match self.requests.get(&request_id) {
Some(HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp { headers, .. })) => headers,
_ => return Vec::new()
.map(|(name, value)| (name.as_str().as_bytes().to_owned(), value.as_bytes().to_owned()))
pub fn response_read_body(
&mut self,
request_id: HttpRequestId,
buffer: &mut [u8],
deadline: Option<Timestamp>
) -> Result<usize, HttpError> {
let _ = self.response_wait(&[request_id], deadline);
let mut response = match self.requests.remove(&request_id) {
Some(HttpApiRequest::Response(r)) => r,
Some(rq @ HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(_)) => {
self.requests.insert(request_id, rq);
return Err(HttpError::DeadlineReached)
Some(HttpApiRequest::Fail { .. }) =>
return Err(HttpError::IoError),
Some(rq @ HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(_, _)) => {
self.requests.insert(request_id, rq);
return Err(HttpError::Invalid)
None => return Err(HttpError::Invalid)
let mut deadline = timestamp::deadline_to_future(deadline);
loop {
if let Some(mut current_read_chunk) = response.current_read_chunk.take() {
match {
Ok(0) => {}
Ok(n) => {
self.requests.insert(request_id, HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp {
current_read_chunk: Some(current_read_chunk),
.. response
return Ok(n)
Err(err) => {
error!("Failed to read from current read chunk: {:?}", err);
return Err(HttpError::IoError)
let mut next_body = future::maybe_done(;
futures::executor::block_on(future::select(&mut next_body, &mut deadline));
if let future::MaybeDone::Done(next_body) = next_body {
match next_body {
Some(Ok(chunk)) => response.current_read_chunk = Some(chunk.reader()),
Some(Err(_)) => return Err(HttpError::IoError),
None => return Ok(0),
if let future::MaybeDone::Done(_) = deadline {
self.requests.insert(request_id, HttpApiRequest::Response(response));
return Err(HttpError::DeadlineReached)
impl fmt::Debug for HttpApi {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::Debug for HttpApiRequest {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
HttpApiRequest::NotDispatched(_, _) =>
HttpApiRequest::Dispatched(_) =>
HttpApiRequest::Response(HttpApiRequestRp { status_code, headers, .. }) =>
HttpApiRequest::Fail(err) =>
enum ApiToWorker {
Dispatch {
id: HttpRequestId,
request: hyper::Request<hyper::Body>,
enum WorkerToApi {
Response {
id: HttpRequestId,
status_code: hyper::StatusCode,
headers: hyper::HeaderMap,
body: mpsc::Receiver<Result<hyper::body::Bytes, hyper::Error>>,
Fail {
id: HttpRequestId,
error: hyper::Error,
pub struct HttpWorker {
to_api: TracingUnboundedSender<WorkerToApi>,
from_api: TracingUnboundedReceiver<ApiToWorker>,
http_client: Arc<HyperClient<HttpsConnector<client::HttpConnector>, Body>>,
requests: Vec<(HttpRequestId, HttpWorkerRequest)>,
enum HttpWorkerRequest {
ReadBody {
body: hyper::Body,
tx: mpsc::Sender<Result<hyper::body::Bytes, hyper::Error>>,
impl Future for HttpWorker {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let me = &mut *self;
for n in ( {
let (id, request) = me.requests.swap_remove(n);
match request {
HttpWorkerRequest::Dispatched(mut future) => {
let response = match Future::poll(Pin::new(&mut future), cx) {
Poll::Pending => {
me.requests.push((id, HttpWorkerRequest::Dispatched(future)));
Poll::Ready(Ok(response)) => response,
Poll::Ready(Err(error)) => {
let _ = me.to_api.unbounded_send(WorkerToApi::Fail { id, error });
let (head, body) = response.into_parts();
let (status_code, headers) = (head.status, head.headers);
let (body_tx, body_rx) = mpsc::channel(3);
let _ = me.to_api.unbounded_send(WorkerToApi::Response {
body: body_rx,
me.requests.push((id, HttpWorkerRequest::ReadBody { body, tx: body_tx }));
HttpWorkerRequest::ReadBody { mut body, mut tx } => {
match tx.poll_ready(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => continue,
Poll::Pending => {
me.requests.push((id, HttpWorkerRequest::ReadBody { body, tx }));
match Stream::poll_next(Pin::new(&mut body), cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(chunk))) => {
let _ = tx.start_send(Ok(chunk));
me.requests.push((id, HttpWorkerRequest::ReadBody { body, tx }));
Poll::Ready(Some(Err(err))) => {
let _ = tx.start_send(Err(err));
Poll::Ready(None) => {}
Poll::Pending => {
me.requests.push((id, HttpWorkerRequest::ReadBody { body, tx }));
match Stream::poll_next(Pin::new(&mut me.from_api), cx) {
Poll::Pending => {},
Poll::Ready(None) => return Poll::Ready(()),
Poll::Ready(Some(ApiToWorker::Dispatch { id, request })) => {
let future = me.http_client.request(request);
debug_assert!(me.requests.iter().all(|(i, _)| *i != id));
me.requests.push((id, HttpWorkerRequest::Dispatched(future)));
impl fmt::Debug for HttpWorker {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::Debug for HttpWorkerRequest {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
HttpWorkerRequest::Dispatched(_) =>
HttpWorkerRequest::ReadBody { .. } =>
mod tests {
use core::convert::Infallible;
use crate::api::timestamp;
use super::{http, SharedClient};
use sp_core::offchain::{HttpError, HttpRequestId, HttpRequestStatus, Duration};
use futures::future;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
lazy_static! {
static ref SHARED_CLIENT: SharedClient = SharedClient::new();
macro_rules! build_api_server {
() => {{
let hyper_client = SHARED_CLIENT.clone();
let (api, worker) = http(hyper_client.clone());
let (addr_tx, addr_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
let worker = rt.spawn(worker);
let server = rt.spawn(async move {
let server = hyper::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap())
.serve(hyper::service::make_service_fn(|_| { async move {
Ok::<_, Infallible>(hyper::service::service_fn(move |_req| async move {
Ok::<_, Infallible>(
hyper::Response::new(hyper::Body::from("Hello World!"))
let _ = addr_tx.send(server.local_addr());
let _ = rt.block_on(future::join(worker, server));
(api, addr_rx.recv().unwrap())
fn basic_localhost() {
let deadline = timestamp::now().add(Duration::from_millis(10_000));
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[], Some(deadline)).unwrap();
match api.response_wait(&[id], Some(deadline))[0] {
HttpRequestStatus::Finished(200) => {},
v => panic!("Connecting to localhost failed: {:?}", v)
let headers = api.response_headers(id);
assert!(headers.iter().any(|(h, _)| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case(b"Date")));
let mut buf = vec![0; 2048];
let n = api.response_read_body(id, &mut buf, Some(deadline)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..n], b"Hello World!");
fn request_start_invalid_call() {
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
match api.request_start("\0", &format!("http://{}", addr)) {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
match api.request_start("GET", "http://\0localhost") {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
fn request_add_header_invalid_call() {
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
match api.request_add_header(HttpRequestId(0xdead), "Foo", "bar") {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
match api.request_add_header(id, "\0", "bar") {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
match api.request_add_header(id, "Foo", "\0") {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_add_header(id, "Foo", "Bar").unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None).unwrap();
match api.request_add_header(id, "Foo2", "Bar") {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
match api.request_add_header(id, "Foo2", "Bar") {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.response_read_body(id, &mut [], None).unwrap();
match api.request_add_header(id, "Foo2", "Bar") {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!()
fn request_write_body_invalid_call() {
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
match api.request_write_body(HttpRequestId(0xdead), &[1, 2, 3], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
match api.request_write_body(HttpRequestId(0xdead), &[], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[], None).unwrap();
match api.request_write_body(id, &[], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[], None).unwrap();
match api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None).unwrap();
api.response_wait(&[id], None);
match api.request_write_body(id, &[], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None).unwrap();
api.response_wait(&[id], None);
match api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
match api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
match api.request_write_body(id, &[], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.response_read_body(id, &mut [], None).unwrap();
match api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.response_read_body(id, &mut [], None).unwrap();
match api.request_write_body(id, &[], None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
fn response_headers_invalid_call() {
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
assert_eq!(api.response_headers(HttpRequestId(0xdead)), &[]);
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(api.response_headers(id), &[]);
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[], None).unwrap();
while api.response_headers(id).is_empty() {
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.response_wait(&[id], None);
assert_ne!(api.response_headers(id), &[]);
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
let mut buf = [0; 128];
while api.response_read_body(id, &mut buf, None).unwrap() != 0 {}
assert_eq!(api.response_headers(id), &[]);
fn response_header_invalid_call() {
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(api.response_headers(id), &[]);
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_add_header(id, "Foo", "Bar").unwrap();
assert_eq!(api.response_headers(id), &[]);
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
api.request_add_header(id, "Foo", "Bar").unwrap();
api.request_write_body(id, &[], None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(api.response_headers(id), &[]);
fn response_read_body_invalid_call() {
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
let mut buf = [0; 512];
match api.response_read_body(HttpRequestId(0xdead), &mut buf, None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
let id = api.request_start("GET", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
while api.response_read_body(id, &mut buf, None).unwrap() != 0 {}
match api.response_read_body(id, &mut buf, None) {
Err(HttpError::Invalid) => {}
_ => panic!()
fn fuzzing() {
let (mut api, addr) = build_api_server!();
for _ in 0..50 {
let id = api.request_start("POST", &format!("http://{}", addr)).unwrap();
for _ in 0..250 {
match rand::random::<u8>() % 6 {
0 => { let _ = api.request_add_header(id, "Foo", "Bar"); }
1 => { let _ = api.request_write_body(id, &[1, 2, 3, 4], None); }
2 => { let _ = api.request_write_body(id, &[], None); }
3 => { let _ = api.response_wait(&[id], None); }
4 => { let _ = api.response_headers(id); }
5 => {
let mut buf = [0; 512];
let _ = api.response_read_body(id, &mut buf, None);
6 ..= 255 => unreachable!()