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//! Liveness analysis for SSA values. //! //! This module computes the live range of all the SSA values in a function and produces a //! `LiveRange` instance for each. //! //! //! # Liveness consumers //! //! The primary consumer of the liveness analysis is the SSA coloring pass which goes through each //! block and assigns a register to the defined values. This algorithm needs to maintain a set of the //! currently live values as it is iterating down the instructions in the block. It asks the //! following questions: //! //! - What is the set of live values at the entry to the block? //! - When moving past a use of a value, is that value still alive in the block, or was that the last //! use? //! - When moving past a branch, which of the live values are still live below the branch? //! //! The set of `LiveRange` instances can answer these questions through their `def_local_end` and //! `livein_local_end` queries. The coloring algorithm visits blocks in a topological order of the //! dominator tree, so it can compute the set of live values at the beginning of a block by starting //! from the set of live values at the dominating branch instruction and filtering it with //! `livein_local_end`. These sets do not need to be stored in the liveness analysis. //! //! The secondary consumer of the liveness analysis is the spilling pass which needs to count the //! number of live values at every program point and insert spill code until the number of //! registers needed is small enough. //! //! //! # Alternative algorithms //! //! A number of different liveness analysis algorithms exist, so it is worthwhile to look at a few //! alternatives. //! //! ## Data-flow equations //! //! The classic *live variables analysis* that you will find in all compiler books from the //! previous century does not depend on SSA form. It is typically implemented by iteratively //! solving data-flow equations on bit-vectors of variables. The result is a live-out bit-vector of //! variables for every basic block in the program. //! //! This algorithm has some disadvantages that makes us look elsewhere: //! //! - Quadratic memory use. We need a bit per variable per basic block in the function. //! - Dense representation of sparse data. In practice, the majority of SSA values never leave //! their basic block, and those that do spa basic blocks rarely span a large number of basic //! blocks. This makes the data stored in the bitvectors quite sparse. //! - Traditionally, the data-flow equations were solved for real program *variables* which does //! not include temporaries used in evaluating expressions. We have an SSA form program which //! blurs the distinction between temporaries and variables. This makes the quadratic memory //! problem worse because there are many more SSA values than there was variables in the original //! program, and we don't know a priori which SSA values leave their basic block. //! - Missing last-use information. For values that are not live-out of a basic block, we would //! need to store information about the last use in the block somewhere. LLVM stores this //! information as a 'kill bit' on the last use in the IR. Maintaining these kill bits has been a //! source of problems for LLVM's register allocator. //! //! Data-flow equations can detect when a variable is used uninitialized, and they can handle //! multiple definitions of the same variable. We don't need this generality since we already have //! a program in SSA form. //! //! ## LLVM's liveness analysis //! //! LLVM's register allocator computes liveness per *virtual register*, where a virtual register is //! a disjoint union of related SSA values that should be assigned to the same physical register. //! It uses a compact data structure very similar to our `LiveRange`. The important difference is //! that Cranelift's `LiveRange` only describes a single SSA value, while LLVM's `LiveInterval` //! describes the live range of a virtual register *and* which one of the related SSA values is //! live at any given program point. //! //! LLVM computes the live range of each virtual register independently by using the use-def chains //! that are baked into its IR. The algorithm for a single virtual register is: //! //! 1. Initialize the live range with a single-instruction snippet of liveness at each def, using //! the def-chain. This does not include any phi-values. //! 2. Go through the virtual register's use chain and perform the following steps at each use: //! 3. Perform an exhaustive depth-first traversal up the CFG from the use. Look for basic blocks //! that already contain some liveness and extend the last live SSA value in the block to be //! live-out. Also build a list of new basic blocks where the register needs to be live-in. //! 4. Iteratively propagate live-out SSA values to the new live-in blocks. This may require new //! PHI values to be created when different SSA values can reach the same block. //! //! The iterative SSA form reconstruction can be skipped if the depth-first search only encountered //! one SSA value. //! //! This algorithm has some advantages compared to the data-flow equations: //! //! - The live ranges of local virtual registers are computed very quickly without ever traversing //! the CFG. The memory needed to store these live ranges is independent of the number of basic //! blocks in the program. //! - The time to compute the live range of a global virtual register is proportional to the number //! of basic blocks covered. Many virtual registers only cover a few blocks, even in very large //! functions. //! - A single live range can be recomputed after making modifications to the IR. No global //! algorithm is necessary. This feature depends on having use-def chains for virtual registers //! which Cranelift doesn't. //! //! Cranelift uses a very similar data structures and algorithms to LLVM, with the important //! difference that live ranges are computed per SSA value instead of per virtual register, and the //! uses in Cranelift IR refers to SSA values instead of virtual registers. This means that //! Cranelift can skip the last step of reconstructing SSA form for the virtual register uses. //! //! ## Fast Liveness Checking for SSA-Form Programs //! //! A liveness analysis that is often brought up in the context of SSA-based register allocation //! was presented at CGO 2008: //! //! > Boissinot, B., Hack, S., Grund, D., de Dinechin, B. D., & Rastello, F. (2008). *Fast Liveness //! Checking for SSA-Form Programs.* CGO. //! //! This analysis uses a global pre-computation that only depends on the CFG of the function. It //! then allows liveness queries for any (value, program point) pair. Each query traverses the use //! chain of the value and performs lookups in the precomputed bit-vectors. //! //! I did not seriously consider this analysis for Cranelift because: //! //! - It depends critically on use chains which Cranelift doesn't have. //! - Popular variables like the `this` pointer in a C++ method can have very large use chains. //! Traversing such a long use chain on every liveness lookup has the potential for some nasty //! quadratic behavior in unfortunate cases. //! - It says "fast" in the title, but the paper only claims to be 16% faster than a data-flow //! based approach, which isn't that impressive. //! //! Nevertheless, the property of only depending in the CFG structure is very useful. If Cranelift //! gains use chains, this approach would be worth a proper evaluation. //! //! //! # Cranelift's liveness analysis //! //! The algorithm implemented in this module is similar to LLVM's with these differences: //! //! - The `LiveRange` data structure describes the liveness of a single SSA value, not a virtual //! register. //! - Instructions in Cranelift IR contains references to SSA values, not virtual registers. //! - All live ranges are computed in one traversal of the program. Cranelift doesn't have use //! chains, so it is not possible to compute the live range for a single SSA value independently. //! //! The liveness computation visits all instructions in the program. The order is not important for //! the algorithm to be correct. At each instruction, the used values are examined. //! //! - The first time a value is encountered, its live range is constructed as a dead live range //! containing only the defining program point. //! - The local interval of the value's live range is extended so it reaches the use. This may //! require creating a new live-in local interval for the block. //! - If the live range became live-in to the block, add the block to a work-list. //! - While the work-list is non-empty pop a live-in block and repeat the two steps above, using each //! of the live-in block's CFG predecessor instructions as a 'use'. //! //! The effect of this algorithm is to extend the live range of each to reach uses as they are //! visited. No data about each value beyond the live range is needed between visiting uses, so //! nothing is lost by computing the live range of all values simultaneously. //! //! ## Cache efficiency of Cranelift vs LLVM //! //! Since LLVM computes the complete live range of a virtual register in one go, it can keep the //! whole `LiveInterval` for the register in L1 cache. Since it is visiting the instructions in use //! chain order, some cache thrashing can occur as a result of pulling instructions into cache //! somewhat chaotically. //! //! Cranelift uses a transposed algorithm, visiting instructions in order. This means that each //! instruction is brought into cache only once, and it is likely that the other instructions on //! the same cache line will be visited before the line is evicted. //! //! Cranelift's problem is that the `LiveRange` structs are visited many times and not always //! regularly. We should strive to make the `LiveRange` struct as small as possible such that //! multiple related values can live on the same cache line. //! //! - Local values should fit in a 16-byte `LiveRange` struct or smaller. The current //! implementation contains a 24-byte `Vec` object and a redundant `value` member pushing the //! size to 32 bytes. //! - Related values should be stored on the same cache line. The current sparse set implementation //! does a decent job of that. //! - For global values, the list of live-in intervals is very likely to fit on a single cache //! line. These lists are very likely to be found in L2 cache at least. //! //! There is some room for improvement. use crate::entity::SparseMap; use crate::flowgraph::{BlockPredecessor, ControlFlowGraph}; use crate::ir::dfg::ValueDef; use crate::ir::{Block, Function, Inst, Layout, ProgramPoint, Value}; use crate::isa::{EncInfo, OperandConstraint, TargetIsa}; use crate::regalloc::affinity::Affinity; use crate::regalloc::liverange::LiveRange; use crate::timing; use alloc::vec::Vec; use core::mem; use core::ops::Index; /// A set of live ranges, indexed by value number. type LiveRangeSet = SparseMap<Value, LiveRange>; /// Get a mutable reference to the live range for `value`. /// Create it if necessary. fn get_or_create<'a>( lrset: &'a mut LiveRangeSet, value: Value, isa: &dyn TargetIsa, func: &Function, encinfo: &EncInfo, ) -> &'a mut LiveRange { // It would be better to use `get_mut()` here, but that leads to borrow checker fighting // which can probably only be resolved by non-lexical lifetimes. // https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/811 if lrset.get(value).is_none() { // Create a live range for value. We need the program point that defines it. let def; let affinity; match func.dfg.value_def(value) { ValueDef::Result(inst, rnum) => { def = inst.into(); // Initialize the affinity from the defining instruction's result constraints. // Don't do this for call return values which are always tied to a single register. affinity = encinfo .operand_constraints(func.encodings[inst]) .and_then(|rc| rc.outs.get(rnum)) .map(Affinity::new) .or_else(|| { // If this is a call, get the return value affinity. func.dfg .call_signature(inst) .map(|sig| Affinity::abi(&func.dfg.signatures[sig].returns[rnum], isa)) }) .unwrap_or_default(); } ValueDef::Param(block, num) => { def = block.into(); if func.layout.entry_block() == Some(block) { // The affinity for entry block parameters can be inferred from the function // signature. affinity = Affinity::abi(&func.signature.params[num], isa); } else { // Give normal block parameters a register affinity matching their type. let rc = isa.regclass_for_abi_type(func.dfg.value_type(value)); affinity = Affinity::Reg(rc.into()); } } }; lrset.insert(LiveRange::new(value, def, affinity)); } lrset.get_mut(value).unwrap() } /// Extend the live range for `value` so it reaches `to` which must live in `block`. fn extend_to_use( lr: &mut LiveRange, block: Block, to: Inst, worklist: &mut Vec<Block>, func: &Function, cfg: &ControlFlowGraph, ) { // This is our scratch working space, and we'll leave it empty when we return. debug_assert!(worklist.is_empty()); // Extend the range locally in `block`. // If there already was a live interval in that block, we're done. if lr.extend_in_block(block, to, &func.layout) { worklist.push(block); } // The work list contains those blocks where we have learned that the value needs to be // live-in. // // This algorithm becomes a depth-first traversal up the CFG, enumerating all paths through the // CFG from the existing live range to `block`. // // Extend the live range as we go. The live range itself also serves as a visited set since // `extend_in_block` will never return true twice for the same block. // while let Some(livein) = worklist.pop() { // We've learned that the value needs to be live-in to the `livein` block. // Make sure it is also live at all predecessor branches to `livein`. for BlockPredecessor { block: pred, inst: branch, } in cfg.pred_iter(livein) { if lr.extend_in_block(pred, branch, &func.layout) { // This predecessor block also became live-in. We need to process it later. worklist.push(pred); } } } } /// Liveness analysis for a function. /// /// Compute a live range for every SSA value used in the function. pub struct Liveness { /// The live ranges that have been computed so far. ranges: LiveRangeSet, /// Working space for the `extend_to_use` algorithm. /// This vector is always empty, except for inside that function. /// It lives here to avoid repeated allocation of scratch memory. worklist: Vec<Block>, } impl Liveness { /// Create a new empty liveness analysis. /// /// The memory allocated for this analysis can be reused for multiple functions. Use the /// `compute` method to actually runs the analysis for a function. pub fn new() -> Self { Self { ranges: LiveRangeSet::new(), worklist: Vec::new(), } } /// Current live ranges. pub fn ranges(&self) -> &LiveRangeSet { &self.ranges } /// Clear all data structures in this liveness analysis. pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.ranges.clear(); self.worklist.clear(); } /// Get the live range for `value`, if it exists. pub fn get(&self, value: Value) -> Option<&LiveRange> { self.ranges.get(value) } /// Create a new live range for `value`. /// /// The new live range will be defined at `def` with no extent, like a dead value. /// /// This asserts that `value` does not have an existing live range. pub fn create_dead<PP>(&mut self, value: Value, def: PP, affinity: Affinity) where PP: Into<ProgramPoint>, { let old = self .ranges .insert(LiveRange::new(value, def.into(), affinity)); debug_assert!(old.is_none(), "{} already has a live range", value); } /// Move the definition of `value` to `def`. /// /// The old and new def points must be in the same block, and before the end of the live range. pub fn move_def_locally<PP>(&mut self, value: Value, def: PP) where PP: Into<ProgramPoint>, { let lr = self.ranges.get_mut(value).expect("Value has no live range"); lr.move_def_locally(def.into()); } /// Locally extend the live range for `value` to reach `user`. /// /// It is assumed the `value` is already live before `user` in `block`. /// /// Returns a mutable reference to the value's affinity in case that also needs to be updated. pub fn extend_locally( &mut self, value: Value, block: Block, user: Inst, layout: &Layout, ) -> &mut Affinity { debug_assert_eq!(Some(block), layout.inst_block(user)); let lr = self.ranges.get_mut(value).expect("Value has no live range"); let livein = lr.extend_in_block(block, user, layout); debug_assert!(!livein, "{} should already be live in {}", value, block); &mut lr.affinity } /// Change the affinity of `value` to `Stack` and return the previous affinity. pub fn spill(&mut self, value: Value) -> Affinity { let lr = self.ranges.get_mut(value).expect("Value has no live range"); mem::replace(&mut lr.affinity, Affinity::Stack) } /// Compute the live ranges of all SSA values used in `func`. /// This clears out any existing analysis stored in this data structure. pub fn compute(&mut self, isa: &dyn TargetIsa, func: &mut Function, cfg: &ControlFlowGraph) { let _tt = timing::ra_liveness(); self.ranges.clear(); // Get ISA data structures used for computing live range affinities. let encinfo = isa.encoding_info(); let reginfo = isa.register_info(); // The liveness computation needs to visit all uses, but the order doesn't matter. // TODO: Perhaps this traversal of the function could be combined with a dead code // elimination pass if we visit a post-order of the dominator tree? for block in func.layout.blocks() { // Make sure we have created live ranges for dead block parameters. // TODO: If these parameters are really dead, we could remove them, except for the // entry block which must match the function signature. for &arg in func.dfg.block_params(block) { get_or_create(&mut self.ranges, arg, isa, func, &encinfo); } for inst in func.layout.block_insts(block) { // Eliminate all value aliases, they would confuse the register allocator. func.dfg.resolve_aliases_in_arguments(inst); // Make sure we have created live ranges for dead defs. // TODO: When we implement DCE, we can use the absence of a live range to indicate // an unused value. for &def in func.dfg.inst_results(inst) { get_or_create(&mut self.ranges, def, isa, func, &encinfo); } // Iterator of constraints, one per value operand. let encoding = func.encodings[inst]; let operand_constraint_slice: &[OperandConstraint] = encinfo.operand_constraints(encoding).map_or(&[], |c| c.ins); let mut operand_constraints = operand_constraint_slice.iter(); for &arg in func.dfg.inst_args(inst) { // Get the live range, create it as a dead range if necessary. let lr = get_or_create(&mut self.ranges, arg, isa, func, &encinfo); // Extend the live range to reach this use. extend_to_use(lr, block, inst, &mut self.worklist, func, cfg); // Apply operand constraint, ignoring any variable arguments after the fixed // operands described by `operand_constraints`. Variable arguments are either // block arguments or call/return ABI arguments. if let Some(constraint) = operand_constraints.next() { lr.affinity.merge(constraint, ®info); } } } } } } impl Index<Value> for Liveness { type Output = LiveRange; fn index(&self, index: Value) -> &LiveRange { self.ranges .get(index) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{} has no live range", index)) } }