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// This file is part of Substrate. // Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Runtime debugging and logging utilities. //! //! This module contains macros and functions that will allow //! you to print logs out of the runtime code. //! //! First and foremost be aware that adding regular logging code to //! your runtime will have a negative effect on the performance //! and size of the blob. Luckily there are some ways to mitigate //! this that are described below. //! //! First component to utilize debug-printing and logging is actually //! located in `primitives` crate: `sp_core::RuntimeDebug`. //! This custom-derive generates `core::fmt::Debug` implementation, //! just like regular `derive(Debug)`, however it does not generate //! any code when the code is compiled to WASM. This means that //! you can safely sprinkle `RuntimeDebug` in your runtime codebase, //! without affecting the size. This also allows you to print/log //! both when the code is running natively or in WASM, but note //! that WASM debug formatting of structs will be empty. //! //! ```rust,no_run //! use frame_support::debug; //! //! #[derive(sp_core::RuntimeDebug)] //! struct MyStruct { //! a: u64, //! } //! //! // First initialize the logger. //! // //! // This is only required when you want the logs to be printed //! // also during non-native run. //! // Note that enabling the logger has performance impact on //! // WASM runtime execution and should be used sparingly. //! debug::RuntimeLogger::init(); //! //! let x = MyStruct { a: 5 }; //! // will log an info line `"My struct: MyStruct{a:5}"` when running //! // natively, but will only print `"My struct: "` when running WASM. //! debug::info!("My struct: {:?}", x); //! //! // same output here, although this will print to stdout //! // (and without log format) //! debug::print!("My struct: {:?}", x); //! ``` //! //! If you want to avoid extra overhead in WASM, but still be able //! to print / log when the code is executed natively you can use //! macros coming from `native` sub-module. This module enables //! logs conditionally and strips out logs in WASM. //! //! ```rust,no_run //! use frame_support::debug::native; //! //! #[derive(sp_core::RuntimeDebug)] //! struct MyStruct { //! a: u64, //! } //! //! // We don't initialize the logger, since //! // we are not printing anything out in WASM. //! // debug::RuntimeLogger::init(); //! //! let x = MyStruct { a: 5 }; //! //! // Displays an info log when running natively, nothing when WASM. //! native::info!("My struct: {:?}", x); //! //! // same output to stdout, no overhead on WASM. //! native::print!("My struct: {:?}", x); //! ``` use sp_std::fmt::{self, Debug}; pub use log::{info, debug, error, trace, warn}; pub use crate::runtime_print as print; pub use sp_std::Writer; /// Native-only logging. /// /// Using any functions from this module will have any effect /// only if the runtime is running natively (i.e. not via WASM) #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub mod native { pub use super::{info, debug, error, trace, warn, print}; } /// Native-only logging. /// /// Using any functions from this module will have any effect /// only if the runtime is running natively (i.e. not via WASM) #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] pub mod native { #[macro_export] macro_rules! noop { ($($arg:tt)+) => {} } pub use noop as info; pub use noop as debug; pub use noop as error; pub use noop as trace; pub use noop as warn; pub use noop as print; } /// Print out a formatted message. /// /// # Example /// /// ``` /// frame_support::runtime_print!("my value is {}", 3); /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! runtime_print { ($($arg:tt)+) => { { use core::fmt::Write; let mut w = $crate::sp_std::Writer::default(); let _ = core::write!(&mut w, $($arg)+); $crate::sp_io::misc::print_utf8(&w.inner()) } } } /// Print out the debuggable type. pub fn debug(data: &impl Debug) { runtime_print!("{:?}", data); } /// Runtime logger implementation - `log` crate backend. /// /// The logger should be initialized if you want to display /// logs inside the runtime that is not necessarily running natively. /// /// When runtime is executed natively any log statements are displayed /// even if this logger is NOT initialized. /// /// Note that even though the logs are not displayed in WASM, they /// may still affect the size and performance of the generated runtime. /// To lower the footprint make sure to only use macros from `native` /// sub-module. pub struct RuntimeLogger; impl RuntimeLogger { /// Initialize the logger. /// /// This is a no-op when running natively (`std`). #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub fn init() {} /// Initialize the logger. /// /// This is a no-op when running natively (`std`). #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] pub fn init() { static LOGGER: RuntimeLogger = RuntimeLogger; let _ = log::set_logger(&LOGGER); // Set max level to `TRACE` to ensure we propagate // all log entries to the native side that will do the // final filtering on what should be printed. // // If we don't set any level, logging is disabled // completly. log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Trace); } } impl log::Log for RuntimeLogger { fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool { // to avoid calling to host twice, we pass everything // and let the host decide what to print. // If someone is initializing the logger they should // know what they are doing. true } fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) { use fmt::Write; let mut w = sp_std::Writer::default(); let _ = core::write!(&mut w, "{}", record.args()); sp_io::logging::log( record.level().into(), record.target(), w.inner(), ); } fn flush(&self) {} } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use substrate_test_runtime_client::{ ExecutionStrategy, TestClientBuilderExt, DefaultTestClientBuilderExt, TestClientBuilder, runtime::TestAPI, }; use sp_api::ProvideRuntimeApi; use sp_runtime::generic::BlockId; #[test] fn ensure_runtime_logger_works() { let executable = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); let output = std::process::Command::new(executable) .env("RUN_TEST", "1") .env("RUST_LOG", "trace") .args(&["--nocapture", "ensure_runtime_logger_works_implementation"]) .output() .unwrap(); let output = dbg!(String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap()); assert!(output.contains("Hey I'm runtime")); } /// This is no actual test. It will be called by `ensure_runtime_logger_works` /// to check that the runtime can print from the wasm side using the /// `RuntimeLogger`. #[test] fn ensure_runtime_logger_works_implementation() { if std::env::var("RUN_TEST").is_ok() { sp_tracing::try_init_simple(); let client = TestClientBuilder::new().set_execution_strategy(ExecutionStrategy::AlwaysWasm).build(); let runtime_api = client.runtime_api(); let block_id = BlockId::Number(0); runtime_api.do_trace_log(&block_id).expect("Logging should not fail"); } } }