use core::default::Default;
use core::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};
use cranelift_codegen_shared::constants;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use target_lexicon::{PointerWidth, Triple};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Type(u8);
pub const INVALID: Type = Type(0);
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
impl Type {
pub fn lane_type(self) -> Self {
if self.0 < constants::VECTOR_BASE {
} else {
Self(constants::LANE_BASE | (self.0 & 0x0f))
pub fn lane_of(self) -> Self {
pub fn log2_lane_bits(self) -> u8 {
match self.lane_type() {
B1 => 0,
B8 | I8 => 3,
B16 | I16 => 4,
B32 | I32 | F32 | R32 => 5,
B64 | I64 | F64 | R64 => 6,
B128 | I128 => 7,
_ => 0,
pub fn lane_bits(self) -> u8 {
match self.lane_type() {
B1 => 1,
B8 | I8 => 8,
B16 | I16 => 16,
B32 | I32 | F32 | R32 => 32,
B64 | I64 | F64 | R64 => 64,
B128 | I128 => 128,
_ => 0,
pub fn int(bits: u16) -> Option<Self> {
match bits {
8 => Some(I8),
16 => Some(I16),
32 => Some(I32),
64 => Some(I64),
128 => Some(I128),
_ => None,
fn replace_lanes(self, lane: Self) -> Self {
debug_assert!(lane.is_lane() && !self.is_special());
Self((lane.0 & 0x0f) | (self.0 & 0xf0))
pub fn as_bool_pedantic(self) -> Self {
self.replace_lanes(match self.lane_type() {
B8 | I8 => B8,
B16 | I16 => B16,
B32 | I32 | F32 => B32,
B64 | I64 | F64 => B64,
R32 | R64 => panic!("Reference types should not convert to bool"),
B128 | I128 => B128,
_ => B1,
pub fn as_bool(self) -> Self {
if !self.is_vector() {
} else {
pub fn half_width(self) -> Option<Self> {
Some(self.replace_lanes(match self.lane_type() {
I16 => I8,
I32 => I16,
I64 => I32,
I128 => I64,
F64 => F32,
B16 => B8,
B32 => B16,
B64 => B32,
B128 => B64,
_ => return None,
pub fn double_width(self) -> Option<Self> {
Some(self.replace_lanes(match self.lane_type() {
I8 => I16,
I16 => I32,
I32 => I64,
I64 => I128,
F32 => F64,
B8 => B16,
B16 => B32,
B32 => B64,
B64 => B128,
_ => return None,
pub fn is_invalid(self) -> bool {
self == INVALID
pub fn is_special(self) -> bool {
self.0 < constants::LANE_BASE
pub fn is_lane(self) -> bool {
constants::LANE_BASE <= self.0 && self.0 < constants::VECTOR_BASE
pub fn is_vector(self) -> bool {
self.0 >= constants::VECTOR_BASE
pub fn is_bool(self) -> bool {
match self {
B1 | B8 | B16 | B32 | B64 | B128 => true,
_ => false,
pub fn is_int(self) -> bool {
match self {
I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 | I128 => true,
_ => false,
pub fn is_float(self) -> bool {
match self {
F32 | F64 => true,
_ => false,
pub fn is_flags(self) -> bool {
match self {
IFLAGS | FFLAGS => true,
_ => false,
pub fn is_ref(self) -> bool {
match self {
R32 | R64 => true,
_ => false,
pub fn log2_lane_count(self) -> u8 {
self.0.saturating_sub(constants::LANE_BASE) >> 4
pub fn lane_count(self) -> u16 {
1 << self.log2_lane_count()
pub fn bits(self) -> u16 {
u16::from(self.lane_bits()) * self.lane_count()
pub fn bytes(self) -> u32 {
(u32::from(self.bits()) + 7) / 8
pub fn by(self, n: u16) -> Option<Self> {
if self.lane_bits() == 0 || !n.is_power_of_two() {
return None;
let log2_lanes: u32 = n.trailing_zeros();
let new_type = u32::from(self.0) + (log2_lanes << 4);
if new_type < 0x100 {
Some(Self(new_type as u8))
} else {
pub fn half_vector(self) -> Option<Self> {
if self.is_vector() {
Some(Self(self.0 - 0x10))
} else {
pub fn split_lanes(self) -> Option<Self> {
match self.half_width() {
Some(half_width) =>,
None => None,
pub fn merge_lanes(self) -> Option<Self> {
match self.double_width() {
Some(double_width) => double_width.half_vector(),
None => None,
pub fn index(self) -> usize {
pub fn wider_or_equal(self, other: Self) -> bool {
self.lane_count() == other.lane_count() && self.lane_bits() >= other.lane_bits()
pub fn triple_pointer_type(triple: &Triple) -> Self {
match triple.pointer_width() {
Ok(PointerWidth::U16) => I16,
Ok(PointerWidth::U32) => I32,
Ok(PointerWidth::U64) => I64,
Err(()) => panic!("unable to determine architecture pointer width"),
impl Display for Type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if self.is_bool() {
write!(f, "b{}", self.lane_bits())
} else if self.is_int() {
write!(f, "i{}", self.lane_bits())
} else if self.is_float() {
write!(f, "f{}", self.lane_bits())
} else if self.is_vector() {
write!(f, "{}x{}", self.lane_type(), self.lane_count())
} else if self.is_ref() {
write!(f, "r{}", self.lane_bits())
} else {
f.write_str(match *self {
IFLAGS => "iflags",
FFLAGS => "fflags",
SARG_T => "sarg_t",
INVALID => panic!("INVALID encountered"),
_ => panic!("Unknown Type(0x{:x})", self.0),
impl Debug for Type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if self.is_bool() {
write!(f, "types::B{}", self.lane_bits())
} else if self.is_int() {
write!(f, "types::I{}", self.lane_bits())
} else if self.is_float() {
write!(f, "types::F{}", self.lane_bits())
} else if self.is_vector() {
write!(f, "{:?}X{}", self.lane_type(), self.lane_count())
} else if self.is_ref() {
write!(f, "types::R{}", self.lane_bits())
} else {
match *self {
INVALID => write!(f, "types::INVALID"),
IFLAGS => write!(f, "types::IFLAGS"),
FFLAGS => write!(f, "types::FFLAGS"),
_ => write!(f, "Type(0x{:x})", self.0),
impl Default for Type {
fn default() -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use alloc::string::ToString;
fn basic_scalars() {
assert_eq!(INVALID, INVALID.lane_type());
assert_eq!(0, INVALID.bits());
assert_eq!(IFLAGS, IFLAGS.lane_type());
assert_eq!(0, IFLAGS.bits());
assert_eq!(FFLAGS, FFLAGS.lane_type());
assert_eq!(0, FFLAGS.bits());
assert_eq!(B1, B1.lane_type());
assert_eq!(B8, B8.lane_type());
assert_eq!(B16, B16.lane_type());
assert_eq!(B32, B32.lane_type());
assert_eq!(B64, B64.lane_type());
assert_eq!(B128, B128.lane_type());
assert_eq!(I8, I8.lane_type());
assert_eq!(I16, I16.lane_type());
assert_eq!(I32, I32.lane_type());
assert_eq!(I64, I64.lane_type());
assert_eq!(I128, I128.lane_type());
assert_eq!(F32, F32.lane_type());
assert_eq!(F64, F64.lane_type());
assert_eq!(I32, I32X4.lane_type());
assert_eq!(F64, F64X2.lane_type());
assert_eq!(R32, R32.lane_type());
assert_eq!(R64, R64.lane_type());
assert_eq!(INVALID.lane_bits(), 0);
assert_eq!(IFLAGS.lane_bits(), 0);
assert_eq!(FFLAGS.lane_bits(), 0);
assert_eq!(B1.lane_bits(), 1);
assert_eq!(B8.lane_bits(), 8);
assert_eq!(B16.lane_bits(), 16);
assert_eq!(B32.lane_bits(), 32);
assert_eq!(B64.lane_bits(), 64);
assert_eq!(B128.lane_bits(), 128);
assert_eq!(I8.lane_bits(), 8);
assert_eq!(I16.lane_bits(), 16);
assert_eq!(I32.lane_bits(), 32);
assert_eq!(I64.lane_bits(), 64);
assert_eq!(I128.lane_bits(), 128);
assert_eq!(F32.lane_bits(), 32);
assert_eq!(F64.lane_bits(), 64);
assert_eq!(R32.lane_bits(), 32);
assert_eq!(R64.lane_bits(), 64);
fn typevar_functions() {
assert_eq!(INVALID.half_width(), None);
assert_eq!(INVALID.half_width(), None);
assert_eq!(FFLAGS.half_width(), None);
assert_eq!(B1.half_width(), None);
assert_eq!(B8.half_width(), None);
assert_eq!(B16.half_width(), Some(B8));
assert_eq!(B32.half_width(), Some(B16));
assert_eq!(B64.half_width(), Some(B32));
assert_eq!(B128.half_width(), Some(B64));
assert_eq!(I8.half_width(), None);
assert_eq!(I16.half_width(), Some(I8));
assert_eq!(I32.half_width(), Some(I16));
assert_eq!(I32X4.half_width(), Some(I16X4));
assert_eq!(I64.half_width(), Some(I32));
assert_eq!(I128.half_width(), Some(I64));
assert_eq!(F32.half_width(), None);
assert_eq!(F64.half_width(), Some(F32));
assert_eq!(INVALID.double_width(), None);
assert_eq!(IFLAGS.double_width(), None);
assert_eq!(FFLAGS.double_width(), None);
assert_eq!(B1.double_width(), None);
assert_eq!(B8.double_width(), Some(B16));
assert_eq!(B16.double_width(), Some(B32));
assert_eq!(B32.double_width(), Some(B64));
assert_eq!(B64.double_width(), Some(B128));
assert_eq!(B128.double_width(), None);
assert_eq!(I8.double_width(), Some(I16));
assert_eq!(I16.double_width(), Some(I32));
assert_eq!(I32.double_width(), Some(I64));
assert_eq!(I32X4.double_width(), Some(I64X4));
assert_eq!(I64.double_width(), Some(I128));
assert_eq!(I128.double_width(), None);
assert_eq!(F32.double_width(), Some(F64));
assert_eq!(F64.double_width(), None);
fn vectors() {
let big =;
assert_eq!(big.lane_bits(), 64);
assert_eq!(big.lane_count(), 256);
assert_eq!(big.bits(), 64 * 256);
assert_eq!(big.half_vector().unwrap().to_string(), "f64x128");
assert_eq!(, "b1");
assert_eq!(I32.half_vector(), None);
assert_eq!(INVALID.half_vector(), None);
assert_eq!(, Some(I32X4));
assert_eq!(, Some(F64X8));
fn format_scalars() {
assert_eq!(IFLAGS.to_string(), "iflags");
assert_eq!(FFLAGS.to_string(), "fflags");
assert_eq!(B1.to_string(), "b1");
assert_eq!(B8.to_string(), "b8");
assert_eq!(B16.to_string(), "b16");
assert_eq!(B32.to_string(), "b32");
assert_eq!(B64.to_string(), "b64");
assert_eq!(B128.to_string(), "b128");
assert_eq!(I8.to_string(), "i8");
assert_eq!(I16.to_string(), "i16");
assert_eq!(I32.to_string(), "i32");
assert_eq!(I64.to_string(), "i64");
assert_eq!(I128.to_string(), "i128");
assert_eq!(F32.to_string(), "f32");
assert_eq!(F64.to_string(), "f64");
assert_eq!(R32.to_string(), "r32");
assert_eq!(R64.to_string(), "r64");
fn format_vectors() {
assert_eq!(, "b1x8");
assert_eq!(, "b8");
assert_eq!(, "b16x256");
assert_eq!(, "b32x8");
assert_eq!(, "b64x8");
assert_eq!(, "i8x64");
assert_eq!(, "f64x2");
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(, None);
fn as_bool() {
assert_eq!(I32X4.as_bool(), B32X4);
assert_eq!(I32.as_bool(), B1);
assert_eq!(I32X4.as_bool_pedantic(), B32X4);
assert_eq!(I32.as_bool_pedantic(), B32);