#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use sp_std::prelude::*;
use sp_std::borrow::Borrow;
use codec::{FullCodec, FullEncode, Decode, Encode, EncodeLike};
use crate::{
storage::{self, unhashed, StorageAppend, PrefixIterator},
Never, hash::{StorageHasher, Twox128, ReversibleStorageHasher},
pub trait StorageMap<K: FullEncode, V: FullCodec> {
type Query;
type Hasher: StorageHasher;
fn module_prefix() -> &'static [u8];
fn storage_prefix() -> &'static [u8];
fn prefix_hash() -> Vec<u8> {
let module_prefix_hashed = Twox128::hash(Self::module_prefix());
let storage_prefix_hashed = Twox128::hash(Self::storage_prefix());
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(
module_prefix_hashed.len() + storage_prefix_hashed.len()
fn from_optional_value_to_query(v: Option<V>) -> Self::Query;
fn from_query_to_optional_value(v: Self::Query) -> Option<V>;
fn storage_map_final_key<KeyArg>(key: KeyArg) -> Vec<u8> where
KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>,
let module_prefix_hashed = Twox128::hash(Self::module_prefix());
let storage_prefix_hashed = Twox128::hash(Self::storage_prefix());
let key_hashed = key.borrow().using_encoded(Self::Hasher::hash);
let mut final_key = Vec::with_capacity(
module_prefix_hashed.len() + storage_prefix_hashed.len() + key_hashed.as_ref().len()
pub struct StorageMapIterator<K, V, Hasher> {
prefix: Vec<u8>,
previous_key: Vec<u8>,
drain: bool,
_phantom: ::sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(K, V, Hasher)>,
K: Decode + Sized,
V: Decode + Sized,
Hasher: ReversibleStorageHasher
> Iterator for StorageMapIterator<K, V, Hasher> {
type Item = (K, V);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(K, V)> {
loop {
let maybe_next = sp_io::storage::next_key(&self.previous_key)
.filter(|n| n.starts_with(&self.prefix));
break match maybe_next {
Some(next) => {
self.previous_key = next;
match unhashed::get::<V>(&self.previous_key) {
Some(value) => {
if self.drain {
let mut key_material = Hasher::reverse(&self.previous_key[self.prefix.len()..]);
match K::decode(&mut key_material) {
Ok(key) => Some((key, value)),
Err(_) => continue,
None => continue,
None => None,
K: FullCodec,
V: FullCodec,
G: StorageMap<K, V>,
> storage::IterableStorageMap<K, V> for G where
G::Hasher: ReversibleStorageHasher
type Iterator = PrefixIterator<(K, V)>;
fn iter() -> Self::Iterator {
let prefix = G::prefix_hash();
PrefixIterator {
prefix: prefix.clone(),
previous_key: prefix,
drain: false,
closure: |raw_key_without_prefix, mut raw_value| {
let mut key_material = G::Hasher::reverse(raw_key_without_prefix);
Ok((K::decode(&mut key_material)?, V::decode(&mut raw_value)?))
fn drain() -> Self::Iterator {
let mut iterator = Self::iter();
iterator.drain = true;
fn translate<O: Decode, F: FnMut(K, O) -> Option<V>>(mut f: F) {
let prefix = G::prefix_hash();
let mut previous_key = prefix.clone();
while let Some(next) = sp_io::storage::next_key(&previous_key)
.filter(|n| n.starts_with(&prefix))
previous_key = next;
let value = match unhashed::get::<O>(&previous_key) {
Some(value) => value,
None => {
crate::debug::error!("Invalid translate: fail to decode old value");
let mut key_material = G::Hasher::reverse(&previous_key[prefix.len()..]);
let key = match K::decode(&mut key_material) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(_) => {
crate::debug::error!("Invalid translate: fail to decode key");
match f(key, value) {
Some(new) => unhashed::put::<V>(&previous_key, &new),
None => unhashed::kill(&previous_key),
impl<K: FullEncode, V: FullCodec, G: StorageMap<K, V>> storage::StorageMap<K, V> for G {
type Query = G::Query;
fn hashed_key_for<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>>(key: KeyArg) -> Vec<u8> {
fn swap<KeyArg1: EncodeLike<K>, KeyArg2: EncodeLike<K>>(key1: KeyArg1, key2: KeyArg2) {
let k1 = Self::storage_map_final_key(key1);
let k2 = Self::storage_map_final_key(key2);
let v1 = unhashed::get_raw(k1.as_ref());
if let Some(val) = unhashed::get_raw(k2.as_ref()) {
unhashed::put_raw(k1.as_ref(), &val);
} else {
if let Some(val) = v1 {
unhashed::put_raw(k2.as_ref(), &val);
} else {
fn contains_key<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>>(key: KeyArg) -> bool {
fn get<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>>(key: KeyArg) -> Self::Query {
fn try_get<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>>(key: KeyArg) -> Result<V, ()> {
fn insert<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>, ValArg: EncodeLike<V>>(key: KeyArg, val: ValArg) {
unhashed::put(Self::storage_map_final_key(key).as_ref(), &val)
fn remove<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>>(key: KeyArg) {
fn mutate<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>, R, F: FnOnce(&mut Self::Query) -> R>(key: KeyArg, f: F) -> R {
Self::try_mutate(key, |v| Ok::<R, Never>(f(v))).expect("`Never` can not be constructed; qed")
fn mutate_exists<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>, R, F: FnOnce(&mut Option<V>) -> R>(key: KeyArg, f: F) -> R {
Self::try_mutate_exists(key, |v| Ok::<R, Never>(f(v))).expect("`Never` can not be constructed; qed")
fn try_mutate<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>, R, E, F: FnOnce(&mut Self::Query) -> Result<R, E>>(
key: KeyArg,
f: F
) -> Result<R, E> {
let final_key = Self::storage_map_final_key(key);
let mut val = G::from_optional_value_to_query(unhashed::get(final_key.as_ref()));
let ret = f(&mut val);
if ret.is_ok() {
match G::from_query_to_optional_value(val) {
Some(ref val) => unhashed::put(final_key.as_ref(), &val.borrow()),
None => unhashed::kill(final_key.as_ref()),
fn try_mutate_exists<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>, R, E, F: FnOnce(&mut Option<V>) -> Result<R, E>>(
key: KeyArg,
f: F
) -> Result<R, E> {
let final_key = Self::storage_map_final_key(key);
let mut val = unhashed::get(final_key.as_ref());
let ret = f(&mut val);
if ret.is_ok() {
match val {
Some(ref val) => unhashed::put(final_key.as_ref(), &val.borrow()),
None => unhashed::kill(final_key.as_ref()),
fn take<KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>>(key: KeyArg) -> Self::Query {
let key = Self::storage_map_final_key(key);
let value = unhashed::take(key.as_ref());
fn append<Item, EncodeLikeItem, EncodeLikeKey>(key: EncodeLikeKey, item: EncodeLikeItem)
EncodeLikeKey: EncodeLike<K>,
Item: Encode,
EncodeLikeItem: EncodeLike<Item>,
V: StorageAppend<Item>,
let key = Self::storage_map_final_key(key);
sp_io::storage::append(&key, item.encode());
fn migrate_key<OldHasher: StorageHasher, KeyArg: EncodeLike<K>>(key: KeyArg) -> Option<V> {
let old_key = {
let module_prefix_hashed = Twox128::hash(Self::module_prefix());
let storage_prefix_hashed = Twox128::hash(Self::storage_prefix());
let key_hashed = key.borrow().using_encoded(OldHasher::hash);
let mut final_key = Vec::with_capacity(
module_prefix_hashed.len() + storage_prefix_hashed.len() + key_hashed.as_ref().len()
unhashed::take(old_key.as_ref()).map(|value| {
unhashed::put(Self::storage_map_final_key(key).as_ref(), &value);
mod test_iterators {
use codec::{Encode, Decode};
use crate::{
storage::{generator::StorageMap, IterableStorageMap, unhashed},
pub trait Config: 'static {
type Origin;
type BlockNumber;
type PalletInfo: crate::traits::PalletInfo;
type DbWeight: crate::traits::Get<crate::weights::RuntimeDbWeight>;
crate::decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Config> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin, system=self {}
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode)]
struct NoDef(u32);
crate::decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Config> as Test {
Map: map hasher(blake2_128_concat) u16 => u64;
fn key_before_prefix(mut prefix: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
let last = prefix.iter_mut().last().unwrap();
assert!(*last != 0, "mock function not implemented for this prefix");
*last -= 1;
fn key_after_prefix(mut prefix: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
let last = prefix.iter_mut().last().unwrap();
assert!(*last != 255, "mock function not implemented for this prefix");
*last += 1;
fn map_reversible_reversible_iteration() {
sp_io::TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
let prefix = Map::prefix_hash();
unhashed::put(&key_before_prefix(prefix.clone()), &1u64);
unhashed::put(&key_after_prefix(prefix.clone()), &1u64);
for i in 0..4 {
Map::insert(i as u16, i as u64);
assert_eq!(Map::iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(3, 3), (0, 0), (2, 2), (1, 1)]);
assert_eq!(Map::iter_values().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![3, 0, 2, 1]);
assert_eq!(Map::drain().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(3, 3), (0, 0), (2, 2), (1, 1)]);
assert_eq!(Map::iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);
assert_eq!(unhashed::get(&key_before_prefix(prefix.clone())), Some(1u64));
assert_eq!(unhashed::get(&key_after_prefix(prefix.clone())), Some(1u64));
let prefix = Map::prefix_hash();
unhashed::put(&key_before_prefix(prefix.clone()), &1u64);
unhashed::put(&key_after_prefix(prefix.clone()), &1u64);
for i in 0..4 {
Map::insert(i as u16, i as u64);
unhashed::put(&[prefix.clone(), vec![1, 2, 3]].concat(), &3u64.encode());
&[prefix.clone(), crate::Blake2_128Concat::hash(&6u16.encode())].concat(),
Map::translate(|_k1, v: u64| Some(v*2));
assert_eq!(Map::iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(3, 6), (0, 0), (2, 4), (1, 2)]);