use crate::instance_wrapper::InstanceWrapper;
use crate::util;
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
use log::trace;
use codec::{Encode, Decode};
use sp_allocator::FreeingBumpHeapAllocator;
use sc_executor_common::error::Result;
use sc_executor_common::sandbox::{self, SandboxCapabilities, SupervisorFuncIndex};
use sp_core::sandbox as sandbox_primitives;
use sp_wasm_interface::{FunctionContext, MemoryId, Pointer, Sandbox, WordSize};
use wasmtime::{Func, Val};
pub struct SupervisorFuncRef(Func);
pub struct HostState {
sandbox_store: RefCell<sandbox::Store<SupervisorFuncRef>>,
allocator: RefCell<FreeingBumpHeapAllocator>,
instance: Rc<InstanceWrapper>,
impl HostState {
pub fn new(allocator: FreeingBumpHeapAllocator, instance: Rc<InstanceWrapper>) -> Self {
HostState {
sandbox_store: RefCell::new(sandbox::Store::new()),
allocator: RefCell::new(allocator),
pub fn materialize<'a>(&'a self) -> HostContext<'a> {
pub struct HostContext<'a>(&'a HostState);
impl<'a> std::ops::Deref for HostContext<'a> {
type Target = HostState;
fn deref(&self) -> &HostState {
impl<'a> SandboxCapabilities for HostContext<'a> {
type SupervisorFuncRef = SupervisorFuncRef;
fn invoke(
&mut self,
dispatch_thunk: &Self::SupervisorFuncRef,
invoke_args_ptr: Pointer<u8>,
invoke_args_len: WordSize,
state: u32,
func_idx: SupervisorFuncIndex,
) -> Result<i64> {
let result =[
Val::I32(u32::from(invoke_args_ptr) as i32),
Val::I32(invoke_args_len as i32),
Val::I32(state as i32),
Val::I32(usize::from(func_idx) as i32),
match result {
Ok(ret_vals) => {
let ret_val = if ret_vals.len() != 1 {
return Err(format!(
"Supervisor function returned {} results, expected 1",
} else {
if let Some(ret_val) = ret_val.i64() {
} else {
return Err("Supervisor function returned unexpected result!".into());
Err(err) => Err(err.to_string().into()),
impl<'a> sp_wasm_interface::FunctionContext for HostContext<'a> {
fn read_memory_into(
address: Pointer<u8>,
dest: &mut [u8],
) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<()> {
.read_memory_into(address, dest)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn write_memory(&mut self, address: Pointer<u8>, data: &[u8]) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<()> {
.write_memory_from(address, data)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn allocate_memory(&mut self, size: WordSize) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<Pointer<u8>> {
.allocate(&mut *self.allocator.borrow_mut(), size)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn deallocate_memory(&mut self, ptr: Pointer<u8>) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<()> {
.deallocate(&mut *self.allocator.borrow_mut(), ptr)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn sandbox(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Sandbox {
impl<'a> Sandbox for HostContext<'a> {
fn memory_get(
&mut self,
memory_id: MemoryId,
offset: WordSize,
buf_ptr: Pointer<u8>,
buf_len: WordSize,
) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<u32> {
let sandboxed_memory = self
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
sandboxed_memory.with_direct_access(|sandboxed_memory| {
let len = buf_len as usize;
let src_range = match util::checked_range(offset as usize, len, sandboxed_memory.len())
Some(range) => range,
None => return Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS),
let supervisor_mem_size = self.instance.memory_size() as usize;
let dst_range = match util::checked_range(buf_ptr.into(), len, supervisor_mem_size) {
Some(range) => range,
None => return Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS),
Pointer::new(dst_range.start as u32),
.expect("ranges are checked above; write can't fail; qed");
fn memory_set(
&mut self,
memory_id: MemoryId,
offset: WordSize,
val_ptr: Pointer<u8>,
val_len: WordSize,
) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<u32> {
let sandboxed_memory = self
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
sandboxed_memory.with_direct_access_mut(|sandboxed_memory| {
let len = val_len as usize;
let supervisor_mem_size = self.instance.memory_size() as usize;
let src_range = match util::checked_range(val_ptr.into(), len, supervisor_mem_size) {
Some(range) => range,
None => return Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS),
let dst_range = match util::checked_range(offset as usize, len, sandboxed_memory.len())
Some(range) => range,
None => return Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS),
Pointer::new(src_range.start as u32),
&mut sandboxed_memory[dst_range],
.expect("ranges are checked above; read can't fail; qed");
fn memory_teardown(&mut self, memory_id: MemoryId) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<()> {
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn memory_new(&mut self, initial: u32, maximum: u32) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<u32> {
.new_memory(initial, maximum)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn invoke(
&mut self,
instance_id: u32,
export_name: &str,
args: &[u8],
return_val: Pointer<u8>,
return_val_len: u32,
state: u32,
) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<u32> {
trace!(target: "sp-sandbox", "invoke, instance_idx={}", instance_id);
let args = Vec::<sp_wasm_interface::Value>::decode(&mut &args[..])
.map_err(|_| "Can't decode serialized arguments for the invocation")?
let instance = self
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let result = instance.invoke(export_name, &args, self, state);
match result {
Ok(None) => Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_OK),
Ok(Some(val)) => {
sp_wasm_interface::ReturnValue::Value(val.into()).using_encoded(|val| {
if val.len() > return_val_len as usize {
Err("Return value buffer is too small")?;
<HostContext as FunctionContext>::write_memory(self, return_val, val)
.map_err(|_| "can't write return value")?;
Err(_) => Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_EXECUTION),
fn instance_teardown(&mut self, instance_id: u32) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<()> {
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn instance_new(
&mut self,
dispatch_thunk_id: u32,
wasm: &[u8],
raw_env_def: &[u8],
state: u32,
) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<u32> {
let dispatch_thunk = {
let table_item = self
.ok_or_else(|| "Runtime doesn't have a table; sandbox is unavailable")?
let func_ref = table_item
.ok_or_else(|| "dispatch_thunk_id is out of bounds")?
.ok_or_else(|| "dispatch_thunk_idx should be a funcref")?
.ok_or_else(|| "dispatch_thunk_idx should point to actual func")?
let guest_env =
match sandbox::GuestEnvironment::decode(&*self.sandbox_store.borrow(), raw_env_def) {
Ok(guest_env) => guest_env,
Err(_) => return Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_MODULE as u32),
let instance_idx_or_err_code =
match sandbox::instantiate(self, dispatch_thunk, wasm, guest_env, state)
.map(|i| i.register(&mut *self.sandbox_store.borrow_mut()))
Ok(instance_idx) => instance_idx,
Err(sandbox::InstantiationError::StartTrapped) => sandbox_primitives::ERR_EXECUTION,
Err(_) => sandbox_primitives::ERR_MODULE,
Ok(instance_idx_or_err_code as u32)
fn get_global_val(
instance_idx: u32,
name: &str,
) -> sp_wasm_interface::Result<Option<sp_wasm_interface::Value>> {
.map(|i| i.get_global_val(name))
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())