Crate wasmtime_runtime[−][src]
Runtime library support for Wasmtime.
libcalls | Runtime library calls. |
ExportFunction | A function export value. |
ExportGlobal | A global export value. |
ExportMemory | A memory export value. |
ExportTable | A table export value. |
GdbJitImageRegistration | Registeration for JIT image |
Imports | Resolved import pointers. |
InstanceHandle | A handle holding an |
LinkError | An link error while instantiating a module. |
Mmap | A simple struct consisting of a page-aligned pointer to page-aligned and initially-zeroed memory and a length. |
StackMapRegistry | A registry of stack maps for currently active Wasm modules. |
Table | A table instance. |
VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc | The VM caller-checked “anyfunc” record, for caller-side signature checking. It consists of the actual function pointer and a signature id to be checked by the caller. |
VMContext | The VM “context”, which is pointed to by the |
VMExternRef | An external reference to some opaque data. |
VMExternRefActivationsTable | A table that over-approximizes the set of |
VMFunctionBody | A placeholder byte-sized type which is just used to provide some amount of type safety when dealing with pointers to JIT-compiled function bodies. Note that it’s deliberately not Copy, as we shouldn’t be carelessly copying function body bytes around. |
VMFunctionImport | An imported function. |
VMGlobalDefinition | The storage for a WebAssembly global defined within the instance. |
VMGlobalImport | The fields compiled code needs to access to utilize a WebAssembly global variable imported from another instance. |
VMInterrupts | Structure used to control interrupting wasm code, currently with only one atomic flag internally used. |
VMInvokeArgument | The storage for a WebAssembly invocation argument |
VMMemoryDefinition | The fields compiled code needs to access to utilize a WebAssembly linear memory defined within the instance, namely the start address and the size in bytes. |
VMMemoryImport | The fields compiled code needs to access to utilize a WebAssembly linear memory imported from another instance. |
VMSharedSignatureIndex | An index into the shared signature registry, usable for checking signatures at indirect calls. |
VMTableDefinition | The fields compiled code needs to access to utilize a WebAssembly table defined within the instance. |
VMTableImport | The fields compiled code needs to access to utilize a WebAssembly table imported from another instance. |
Export | The value of an export passed from one instance to another. |
InstantiationError | An error while instantiating a module. |
TableElement | An element going into or coming out of a table. |
Trap | Stores trace message with backtrace. |
VERSION | Version number of this crate. |
RuntimeLinearMemory | A linear memory |
RuntimeMemoryCreator | A memory allocator |
TrapInfo | A package of functionality needed by |
catch_traps⚠ | Catches any wasm traps that happen within the execution of |
gc⚠ | Perform garbage collection of |
init_traps | This function performs the low-overhead signal handler initialization that we want to do eagerly to ensure a more-deterministic global process state. |
pointer_type | The Cranelift IR type used for pointer types for this target architecture. |
raise_lib_trap⚠ | Raises a trap from inside library code immediately. |
raise_user_trap⚠ | Raises a user-defined trap immediately. |
ref_type | The Cranelift IR type used for reference types for this target architecture. |
resume_panic⚠ | Carries a Rust panic across wasm code and resumes the panic on the other side. |
with_last_info | Runs |
Type Definitions
SignalHandler | Function which may handle custom signals while processing traps. |
VMTrampoline |