Crate thread_local[][src]

Per-object thread-local storage

This library provides the ThreadLocal type which allows a separate copy of an object to be used for each thread. This allows for per-object thread-local storage, unlike the standard library’s thread_local! macro which only allows static thread-local storage.

Per-thread objects are not destroyed when a thread exits. Instead, objects are only destroyed when the ThreadLocal containing them is destroyed.

You can also iterate over the thread-local values of all thread in a ThreadLocal object using the iter_mut and into_iter methods. This can only be done if you have mutable access to the ThreadLocal object, which guarantees that you are the only thread currently accessing it.

Note that since thread IDs are recycled when a thread exits, it is possible for one thread to retrieve the object of another thread. Since this can only occur after a thread has exited this does not lead to any race conditions.


Basic usage of ThreadLocal:

use thread_local::ThreadLocal;
let tls: ThreadLocal<u32> = ThreadLocal::new();
assert_eq!(tls.get(), None);
assert_eq!(tls.get_or(|| 5), &5);
assert_eq!(tls.get(), Some(&5));

Combining thread-local values into a single result:

use thread_local::ThreadLocal;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::thread;

let tls = Arc::new(ThreadLocal::new());

// Create a bunch of threads to do stuff
for _ in 0..5 {
    let tls2 = tls.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        // Increment a counter to count some event...
        let cell = tls2.get_or(|| Cell::new(0));
        cell.set(cell.get() + 1);

// Once all threads are done, collect the counter values and return the
// sum of all thread-local counter values.
let tls = Arc::try_unwrap(tls).unwrap();
let total = tls.into_iter().fold(0, |x, y| x + y.get());
assert_eq!(total, 5);



An iterator that moves out of a CachedThreadLocal.


Mutable iterator over the contents of a CachedThreadLocal.


Wrapper around ThreadLocal.


An iterator that moves out of a ThreadLocal.


Mutable iterator over the contents of a ThreadLocal.


Thread-local variable wrapper