Crate sp_runtime[−][src]
Runtime Modules shared primitive types.
pub use random_number_generator::RandomNumberGenerator; |
biguint | Re-export big_uint stuff. |
curve | Provides some utilities to define a piecewise linear function. |
generic | Generic implementations of Extrinsic/Header/Block. |
helpers_128bit | Re-export 128 bit helpers. |
key_types | Re-export this since it’s part of the API of this crate. |
offchain | A collection of higher lever helpers for offchain calls. |
random_number_generator | A simple pseudo random number generator that allows a stream of random numbers to be efficiently created from a single initial seed hash. |
testing | Testing utilities. |
traits | Primitives for the runtime modules. |
transaction_validity | Transaction validity interface. |
assert_eq_error_rate | Checks that |
count | Calls a given macro a number of times with a set of fixed params and an incrementing numeral. e.g. |
create_runtime_str | Create a const |
format_runtime_string | Convenience macro to use the format! interface to get a |
impl_opaque_keys | Implement |
AccountId32 | Re-export this since it’s part of the API of this crate. |
AnySignature | Signature verify that can work with any known signature types.. |
CryptoTypeId | Re-export this since it’s part of the API of this crate. |
Digest | Generic header digest. |
DispatchErrorWithPostInfo | Result of a |
FixedI64 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
FixedI128 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
FixedU128 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
KeyTypeId | Re-export this since it’s part of the API of this crate. |
ModuleId | A module identifier. These are per module and should be stored in a registry somewhere. |
OpaqueExtrinsic | Simple blob to hold an extrinsic without committing to its format and ensure it is serialized correctly. |
PerU16 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Perbill | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Percent | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Permill | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Perquintill | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Rational128 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
SignatureBatching | Batching session. |
Storage | Struct containing data needed for a storage. |
StorageChild | Child trie storage data. |
DigestItem | Digest item that is able to encode/decode ‘system’ digest items and provide opaque access to other items. |
DispatchError | Reason why a dispatch call failed. |
Either | The enum |
MultiAddress | A multi-format address wrapper for on-chain accounts. |
MultiSignature | Signature verify that can work with any known signature types.. |
MultiSigner | Public key for any known crypto algorithm. |
RuntimeString | A string that wraps a |
TransactionOutcome | Describes on what should happen with a storage transaction. |
BoundToRuntimeAppPublic | Something that bound to a fixed |
BuildModuleGenesisStorage | Something that can build the genesis storage of a module. |
BuildStorage | Complex storage builder stuff. |
CryptoType | Re-export this since it’s part of the API of this crate. |
Deserialize | A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde. |
DeserializeOwned | A data structure that can be deserialized without borrowing any data from the deserializer. |
FixedPointNumber | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
FixedPointOperand | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
PerThing | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
RuntimeAppPublic | A runtime interface for an application’s public key. |
SaturatedConversion | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Serialize | A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde. |
TypeId | Re-export this since it’s part of the API of this crate. |
Print something that implements | |
verify_encoded_lazy | Verify a signature on an encoded value in a lazy manner. This can be an optimization if the signature scheme has an “unsigned” escape hash. |
Type Definitions
ApplyExtrinsicResult | The result of applying of an extrinsic. |
ApplyExtrinsicResultWithInfo | Same as |
ConsensusEngineId | Consensus engine unique ID. |
DispatchOutcome | This type specifies the outcome of dispatching a call to a module. |
DispatchResult | This is the legacy return type of |
DispatchResultWithInfo | Return type of a |
InnerOf | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Justification | An abstraction over justification for a block’s validity under a consensus algorithm. |
UpperOf | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. |
Derive Macros
Deserialize | |
RuntimeDebug | Re-export |
Serialize |