Module sp_core::offchain [−][src]
Offchain workers types
pub use crate::crypto::KeyTypeId; |
storage | In-memory implementation of offchain workers database. |
testing | Utilities for offchain calls testing. |
Capabilities | A set of capabilities |
Duration | Duration type |
HttpRequestId | Opaque type for offchain http requests. |
LimitedExternalities | An |
OffchainExt | The offchain extension that will be registered at the Substrate externalities. |
OpaqueMultiaddr | Simple blob to hold a |
OpaqueNetworkState | A blob to hold information about the local node’s network state without committing to its format. |
Timestamp | Opaque timestamp type |
TransactionPoolExt | An externalities extension to submit transactions to the pool. |
Capability | Execution context extra capabilities. |
HttpError | An error enum returned by some http methods. |
HttpRequestStatus | Status of the HTTP request |
OffchainOverlayedChange | Change to be applied to the offchain worker db in regards to a key. |
StorageKind | A type of supported crypto. |
STORAGE_PREFIX | Local storage prefix used by the Offchain Worker API to |
Externalities | An extended externalities for offchain workers. |
OffchainStorage | Offchain workers local storage. |
TransactionPool | Abstraction over transaction pool. |