Trait frame_support::traits::OriginTrait [−][src]
Methods available on frame_system::Config::Origin
Associated Types
type Call
Runtime call type, as in frame_system::Config::Call
type PalletsOrigin
The caller origin, overarching type of all pallets origins.
type AccountId
The AccountId used across the system.
Required methods
fn add_filter(&mut self, filter: impl Fn(&Self::Call) -> bool + 'static)
Add a filter to the origin.
fn reset_filter(&mut self)
Reset origin filters to default one, i.e frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter
fn set_caller_from(&mut self, other: impl Into<Self>)
Replace the caller with caller from the other origin
fn filter_call(&self, call: &Self::Call) -> bool
Filter the call, if false then call is filtered out.
fn caller(&self) -> &Self::PalletsOrigin
Get the caller.
fn none() -> Self
Create with system none origin and frame-system::Config::BaseCallFilter
fn root() -> Self
Create with system root origin and no filter.
fn signed(by: Self::AccountId) -> Self
Create with system signed origin and frame-system::Config::BaseCallFilter