Enum cranelift_codegen::ir::instructions::Opcode [−][src]
pub enum Opcode { Jump, Fallthrough, Brz, Brnz, BrIcmp, Brif, Brff, BrTable, JumpTableEntry, JumpTableBase, IndirectJumpTableBr, Debugtrap, Trap, Trapz, ResumableTrap, Trapnz, ResumableTrapnz, Trapif, Trapff, Return, FallthroughReturn, Call, CallIndirect, FuncAddr, Splat, Swizzle, Insertlane, Extractlane, Imin, Umin, Imax, Umax, AvgRound, Load, LoadComplex, Store, StoreComplex, Uload8, Uload8Complex, Sload8, Sload8Complex, Istore8, Istore8Complex, Uload16, Uload16Complex, Sload16, Sload16Complex, Istore16, Istore16Complex, Uload32, Uload32Complex, Sload32, Sload32Complex, Istore32, Istore32Complex, Uload8x8, Uload8x8Complex, Sload8x8, Sload8x8Complex, Uload16x4, Uload16x4Complex, Sload16x4, Sload16x4Complex, Uload32x2, Uload32x2Complex, Sload32x2, Sload32x2Complex, StackLoad, StackStore, StackAddr, GlobalValue, SymbolValue, TlsValue, HeapAddr, GetPinnedReg, SetPinnedReg, TableAddr, Iconst, F32const, F64const, Bconst, Vconst, ConstAddr, Shuffle, Null, Nop, Select, Selectif, SelectifSpectreGuard, Bitselect, Copy, Spill, Fill, FillNop, DummySargT, Regmove, CopySpecial, CopyToSsa, CopyNop, AdjustSpDown, AdjustSpUpImm, AdjustSpDownImm, IfcmpSp, Regspill, Regfill, Safepoint, Vsplit, Vconcat, Vselect, VanyTrue, VallTrue, VhighBits, Icmp, IcmpImm, Ifcmp, IfcmpImm, Iadd, UaddSat, SaddSat, Isub, UsubSat, SsubSat, Ineg, Iabs, Imul, Umulhi, Smulhi, Udiv, Sdiv, Urem, Srem, IaddImm, ImulImm, UdivImm, SdivImm, UremImm, SremImm, IrsubImm, IaddCin, IaddIfcin, IaddCout, IaddIfcout, IaddCarry, IaddIfcarry, IsubBin, IsubIfbin, IsubBout, IsubIfbout, IsubBorrow, IsubIfborrow, Band, Bor, Bxor, Bnot, BandNot, BorNot, BxorNot, BandImm, BorImm, BxorImm, Rotl, Rotr, RotlImm, RotrImm, Ishl, Ushr, Sshr, IshlImm, UshrImm, SshrImm, Bitrev, Clz, Cls, Ctz, Popcnt, Fcmp, Ffcmp, Fadd, Fsub, Fmul, Fdiv, Sqrt, Fma, Fneg, Fabs, Fcopysign, Fmin, FminPseudo, Fmax, FmaxPseudo, Ceil, Floor, Trunc, Nearest, IsNull, IsInvalid, Trueif, Trueff, Bitcast, RawBitcast, ScalarToVector, Breduce, Bextend, Bint, Bmask, Ireduce, Snarrow, Unarrow, SwidenLow, SwidenHigh, UwidenLow, UwidenHigh, WideningPairwiseDotProductS, Uextend, Sextend, Fpromote, Fdemote, FcvtToUint, FcvtToUintSat, FcvtToSint, FcvtToSintSat, FcvtFromUint, FcvtFromSint, Isplit, Iconcat, AtomicRmw, AtomicCas, AtomicLoad, AtomicStore, Fence, X86Udivmodx, X86Sdivmodx, X86Umulx, X86Smulx, X86Cvtt2si, X86Vcvtudq2ps, X86Fmin, X86Fmax, X86Push, X86Pop, X86Bsr, X86Bsf, X86Pshufd, X86Pshufb, X86Pblendw, X86Pextr, X86Pinsr, X86Insertps, X86Punpckh, X86Punpckl, X86Movsd, X86Movlhps, X86Psll, X86Psrl, X86Psra, X86Pmullq, X86Pmuludq, X86Ptest, X86Pmaxs, X86Pmaxu, X86Pmins, X86Pminu, X86Palignr, X86ElfTlsGetAddr, X86MachoTlsGetAddr, }
An instruction opcode.
All instructions from all supported ISAs are present.
jump block, args
. (Jump)
fallthrough block, args
. (Jump)
brz c, block, args
. (Branch)
Type inferred from c
brnz c, block, args
. (Branch)
Type inferred from c
br_icmp Cond, x, y, block, args
. (BranchIcmp)
Type inferred from x
brif Cond, f, block, args
. (BranchInt)
brff Cond, f, block, args
. (BranchFloat)
br_table x, block, JT
. (BranchTable)
Type inferred from x
entry = jump_table_entry x, addr, Size, JT
. (BranchTableEntry)
Type inferred from x
addr = jump_table_base JT
. (BranchTableBase)
indirect_jump_table_br addr, JT
. (IndirectJump)
Type inferred from addr
. (NullAry)
trap code
. (Trap)
trapz c, code
. (CondTrap)
Type inferred from c
resumable_trap code
. (Trap)
trapnz c, code
. (CondTrap)
Type inferred from c
resumable_trapnz c, code
. (CondTrap)
Type inferred from c
trapif Cond, f, code
. (IntCondTrap)
trapff Cond, f, code
. (FloatCondTrap)
return rvals
. (MultiAry)
fallthrough_return rvals
. (MultiAry)
rvals = call FN, args
. (Call)
rvals = call_indirect SIG, callee, args
. (CallIndirect)
Type inferred from callee
addr = func_addr FN
. (FuncAddr)
a = splat x
. (Unary)
a = swizzle x, y
. (Binary)
a = insertlane x, y, Idx
. (TernaryImm8)
Type inferred from x
a = extractlane x, Idx
. (BinaryImm8)
Type inferred from x
a = imin x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = umin x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = imax x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = umax x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = avg_round x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = load MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
a = load_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
store MemFlags, x, p, Offset
. (Store)
Type inferred from x
store_complex MemFlags, x, args, Offset
. (StoreComplex)
Type inferred from x
a = uload8 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
a = uload8_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = sload8 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
a = sload8_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
istore8 MemFlags, x, p, Offset
. (Store)
Type inferred from x
istore8_complex MemFlags, x, args, Offset
. (StoreComplex)
Type inferred from x
a = uload16 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
a = uload16_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = sload16 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
a = sload16_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
istore16 MemFlags, x, p, Offset
. (Store)
Type inferred from x
istore16_complex MemFlags, x, args, Offset
. (StoreComplex)
Type inferred from x
a = uload32 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = uload32_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = sload32 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = sload32_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
istore32 MemFlags, x, p, Offset
. (Store)
Type inferred from x
istore32_complex MemFlags, x, args, Offset
. (StoreComplex)
a = uload8x8 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = uload8x8_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = sload8x8 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = sload8x8_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = uload16x4 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = uload16x4_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = sload16x4 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = sload16x4_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = uload32x2 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = uload32x2_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = sload32x2 MemFlags, p, Offset
. (Load)
Type inferred from p
a = sload32x2_complex MemFlags, args, Offset
. (LoadComplex)
a = stack_load SS, Offset
. (StackLoad)
stack_store x, SS, Offset
. (StackStore)
Type inferred from x
addr = stack_addr SS, Offset
. (StackLoad)
a = global_value GV
. (UnaryGlobalValue)
a = symbol_value GV
. (UnaryGlobalValue)
a = tls_value GV
. (UnaryGlobalValue)
addr = heap_addr H, p, Size
. (HeapAddr)
addr = get_pinned_reg
. (NullAry)
set_pinned_reg addr
. (Unary)
Type inferred from addr
addr = table_addr T, p, Offset
. (TableAddr)
a = iconst N
. (UnaryImm)
a = f32const N
. (UnaryIeee32)
a = f64const N
. (UnaryIeee64)
a = bconst N
. (UnaryBool)
a = vconst N
. (UnaryConst)
address = const_addr constant
. (UnaryConst)
a = shuffle a, b, mask
. (Shuffle)
Type inferred from a
a = null
. (NullAry)
. (NullAry)
a = select c, x, y
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from x
a = selectif cc, flags, x, y
. (IntSelect)
a = selectif_spectre_guard cc, flags, x, y
. (IntSelect)
a = bitselect c, x, y
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from x
a = copy x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = spill x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = fill x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = fill_nop x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
sarg_t = dummy_sarg_t
. (NullAry)
regmove x, src, dst
. (RegMove)
Type inferred from x
copy_special src, dst
. (CopySpecial)
a = copy_to_ssa src
. (CopyToSsa)
a = copy_nop x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
adjust_sp_down delta
. (Unary)
Type inferred from delta
adjust_sp_up_imm Offset
. (UnaryImm)
adjust_sp_down_imm Offset
. (UnaryImm)
f = ifcmp_sp addr
. (Unary)
Type inferred from addr
regspill x, src, SS
. (RegSpill)
Type inferred from x
regfill x, SS, dst
. (RegFill)
Type inferred from x
safepoint args
. (MultiAry)
lo, hi = vsplit x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = vconcat x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = vselect c, x, y
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from x
s = vany_true a
. (Unary)
Type inferred from a
s = vall_true a
. (Unary)
Type inferred from a
x = vhigh_bits a
. (Unary)
a = icmp Cond, x, y
. (IntCompare)
Type inferred from x
a = icmp_imm Cond, x, Y
. (IntCompareImm)
Type inferred from x
f = ifcmp x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
f = ifcmp_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = iadd x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = uadd_sat x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = sadd_sat x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = isub x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = usub_sat x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = ssub_sat x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = ineg x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = iabs x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = imul x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = umulhi x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = smulhi x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = udiv x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = sdiv x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = urem x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = srem x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = iadd_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = imul_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = udiv_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = sdiv_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = urem_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = srem_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = irsub_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = iadd_cin x, y, c_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a = iadd_ifcin x, y, c_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a, c_out = iadd_cout x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a, c_out = iadd_ifcout x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a, c_out = iadd_carry x, y, c_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a, c_out = iadd_ifcarry x, y, c_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a = isub_bin x, y, b_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a = isub_ifbin x, y, b_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a, b_out = isub_bout x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a, b_out = isub_ifbout x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a, b_out = isub_borrow x, y, b_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a, b_out = isub_ifborrow x, y, b_in
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a = band x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = bor x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = bxor x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = bnot x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = band_not x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = bor_not x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = bxor_not x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = band_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = bor_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = bxor_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = rotl x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = rotr x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = rotl_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = rotr_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = ishl x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = ushr x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = sshr x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = ishl_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = ushr_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = sshr_imm x, Y
. (BinaryImm64)
Type inferred from x
a = bitrev x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = clz x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = cls x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = ctz x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = popcnt x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = fcmp Cond, x, y
. (FloatCompare)
Type inferred from x
f = ffcmp x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fadd x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fsub x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fmul x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fdiv x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = sqrt x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = fma x, y, z
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from y
a = fneg x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = fabs x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = fcopysign x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fmin x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fmin_pseudo x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fmax x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = fmax_pseudo x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = ceil x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = floor x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = trunc x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = nearest x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = is_null x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = is_invalid x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = trueif Cond, f
. (IntCond)
a = trueff Cond, f
. (FloatCond)
a = bitcast x
. (Unary)
a = raw_bitcast x
. (Unary)
a = scalar_to_vector s
. (Unary)
a = breduce x
. (Unary)
a = bextend x
. (Unary)
a = bint x
. (Unary)
a = bmask x
. (Unary)
a = ireduce x
. (Unary)
a = snarrow x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = unarrow x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = swiden_low x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = swiden_high x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = uwiden_low x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = uwiden_high x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = widening_pairwise_dot_product_s x, y
. (Binary)
a = uextend x
. (Unary)
a = sextend x
. (Unary)
a = fpromote x
. (Unary)
a = fdemote x
. (Unary)
a = fcvt_to_uint x
. (Unary)
a = fcvt_to_uint_sat x
. (Unary)
a = fcvt_to_sint x
. (Unary)
a = fcvt_to_sint_sat x
. (Unary)
a = fcvt_from_uint x
. (Unary)
a = fcvt_from_sint x
. (Unary)
lo, hi = isplit x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = iconcat lo, hi
. (Binary)
Type inferred from lo
a = atomic_rmw MemFlags, AtomicRmwOp, p, x
. (AtomicRmw)
a = atomic_cas MemFlags, p, e, x
. (AtomicCas)
Type inferred from x
a = atomic_load MemFlags, p
. (LoadNoOffset)
atomic_store MemFlags, x, p
. (StoreNoOffset)
Type inferred from x
. (NullAry)
q, r = x86_udivmodx nlo, nhi, d
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from nhi
q, r = x86_sdivmodx nlo, nhi, d
. (Ternary)
Type inferred from nhi
resLo, resHi = x86_umulx argL, argR
. (Binary)
Type inferred from argL
resLo, resHi = x86_smulx argL, argR
. (Binary)
Type inferred from argL
a = x86_cvtt2si x
. (Unary)
a = x86_vcvtudq2ps x
. (Unary)
a = x86_fmin x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_fmax x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
x86_push x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
x = x86_pop
. (NullAry)
y, rflags = x86_bsr x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
y, rflags = x86_bsf x
. (Unary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_pshufd a, i
. (BinaryImm8)
Type inferred from a
a = x86_pshufb a, b
. (Binary)
Type inferred from a
a = x86_pblendw a, b, mask
. (TernaryImm8)
Type inferred from a
a = x86_pextr x, Idx
. (BinaryImm8)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_pinsr x, y, Idx
. (TernaryImm8)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_insertps x, y, Idx
. (TernaryImm8)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_punpckh x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_punpckl x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_movsd x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_movlhps x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_psll x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_psrl x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_psra x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_pmullq x, y
. (Binary)
a = x86_pmuludq x, y
. (Binary)
f = x86_ptest x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_pmaxs x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_pmaxu x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_pmins x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_pminu x, y
. (Binary)
Type inferred from x
a = x86_palignr x, y, c
. (TernaryImm8)
Type inferred from x
addr = x86_elf_tls_get_addr GV
. (UnaryGlobalValue)
addr = x86_macho_tls_get_addr GV
. (UnaryGlobalValue)
impl Opcode
pub fn is_terminator(self) -> bool
True for instructions that terminate the block
pub fn is_branch(self) -> bool
True for all branch or jump instructions.
pub fn is_indirect_branch(self) -> bool
True for all indirect branch or jump instructions.
pub fn is_call(self) -> bool
Is this a call instruction?
pub fn is_return(self) -> bool
Is this a return instruction?
pub fn is_ghost(self) -> bool
Is this a ghost instruction?
pub fn can_load(self) -> bool
Can this instruction read from memory?
pub fn can_store(self) -> bool
Can this instruction write to memory?
pub fn can_trap(self) -> bool
Can this instruction cause a trap?
pub fn other_side_effects(self) -> bool
Does this instruction have other side effects besides can_* flags?
pub fn writes_cpu_flags(self) -> bool
Does this instruction write to CPU flags?
pub fn clobbers_all_regs(self) -> bool
Should this opcode be considered to clobber all the registers, during regalloc?
impl Opcode
pub fn format(self) -> InstructionFormat
Get the instruction format for this opcode.
pub fn constraints(self) -> OpcodeConstraints
Get the constraint descriptor for this opcode.
Panic if this is called on NotAnOpcode
pub fn is_resumable_trap(&self) -> bool
Returns true if the instruction is a resumable trap.
Trait Implementations
impl Clone for Opcode
impl Copy for Opcode
impl Debug for Opcode
impl Display for Opcode
impl Eq for Opcode
impl From<Opcode> for NonZeroU32
impl FromStr for Opcode
impl Hash for Opcode
impl PartialEq<Opcode> for Opcode
impl StructuralEq for Opcode
impl StructuralPartialEq for Opcode
impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for Opcode
impl TryFrom<u16> for Opcode
Auto Trait Implementations
impl RefUnwindSafe for Opcode
impl Send for Opcode
impl Sync for Opcode
impl Unpin for Opcode
impl UnwindSafe for Opcode
Blanket Implementations
impl<T> Any for T where
T: 'static + ?Sized,
T: 'static + ?Sized,
impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> CallHasher for T where
T: Hash,
T: Hash,
impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q where
K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,
Q: Eq + ?Sized,
K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,
Q: Eq + ?Sized,
impl<T> From<T> for T
impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
U: From<T>,
U: From<T>,
impl<T> ToOwned for T where
T: Clone,
T: Clone,
impl<T> ToString for T where
T: Display + ?Sized,
T: Display + ?Sized,
impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
U: Into<T>,
U: Into<T>,
impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
U: TryFrom<T>,
U: TryFrom<T>,