Function sc_service::spawn_tasks[][src]

pub fn spawn_tasks<TBl, TBackend, TExPool, TRpc, TCl>(
    params: SpawnTasksParams<'_, TBl, TCl, TExPool, TRpc, TBackend>
) -> Result<(RpcHandlers, Option<TelemetryConnectionNotifier>), Error> where
    TCl: ProvideRuntimeApi<TBl> + HeaderMetadata<TBl, Error = Error> + Chain<TBl> + BlockBackend<TBl> + BlockIdTo<TBl, Error = Error> + ProofProvider<TBl> + HeaderBackend<TBl> + BlockchainEvents<TBl> + ExecutorProvider<TBl> + UsageProvider<TBl> + StorageProvider<TBl, TBackend> + CallApiAt<TBl, Error = Error> + Send + 'static,
    <TCl as ProvideRuntimeApi<TBl>>::Api: Metadata<TBl> + OffchainWorkerApi<TBl> + TaggedTransactionQueue<TBl> + SessionKeys<TBl> + ApiErrorExt<Error = Error> + ApiExt<TBl, StateBackend = TBackend::State>,
    TBl: BlockT,
    TBackend: 'static + Backend<TBl> + Send,
    TExPool: MaintainedTransactionPool<Block = TBl, Hash = <TBl as BlockT>::Hash> + MallocSizeOfWasm + 'static,
    TRpc: RpcExtension<Metadata>, 

Spawn the tasks that are required to run a node.