Macro node_template_runtime::parameter_types[][src]

macro_rules! parameter_types {
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis const $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$( $rest:tt )*
	) => { ... };
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$( $rest:tt )*
	) => { ... };
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis storage $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$( $rest:tt )*
	) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
    (IMPL_CONST $name:ident, $type:ty, $value:expr) => { ... };
    (IMPL $name:ident, $type:ty, $value:expr) => { ... };
    (IMPL_STORAGE $name:ident, $type:ty, $value:expr) => { ... };
			$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
			$vis:vis static $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
	) => { ... };

Create new implementations of the Get trait.

The so-called parameter type can be created in four different ways:


// This function cannot be used in a const context.
fn non_const_expression() -> u64 { 99 }

const FIXED_VALUE: u64 = 10;
parameter_types! {
   pub const Argument: u64 = 42 + FIXED_VALUE;
   /// Visibility of the type is optional
   OtherArgument: u64 = non_const_expression();
   pub storage StorageArgument: u64 = 5;
   pub static StaticArgument: u32 = 7;

trait Config {
   type Parameter: Get<u64>;
   type OtherParameter: Get<u64>;
   type StorageParameter: Get<u64>;
   type StaticParameter: Get<u32>;

struct Runtime;
impl Config for Runtime {
   type Parameter = Argument;
   type OtherParameter = OtherArgument;
   type StorageParameter = StorageArgument;
   type StaticParameter = StaticArgument;

// In testing, `StaticArgument` can be altered later: `StaticArgument::set(8)`.

Invalid example:

// This function cannot be used in a const context.
fn non_const_expression() -> u64 { 99 }

parameter_types! {
   pub const Argument: u64 = non_const_expression();