Trait libp2p::core::OutboundUpgrade[][src]

pub trait OutboundUpgrade<C>: UpgradeInfo {
    type Output;
    type Error;
    type Future: Future;
    pub fn upgrade_outbound(self, socket: C, info: Self::Info) -> Self::Future;

Possible upgrade on an outbound connection or substream.

Associated Types

type Output[src]

Output after the upgrade has been successfully negotiated and the handshake performed.

type Error[src]

Possible error during the handshake.

type Future: Future[src]

Future that performs the handshake with the remote.

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Required methods

pub fn upgrade_outbound(self, socket: C, info: Self::Info) -> Self::Future[src]

After we have determined that the remote supports one of the protocols we support, this method is called to start the handshake.

The info is the identifier of the protocol, as produced by protocol_info.

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impl OutboundUpgrade<Negotiated<SubstreamRef<Arc<StreamMuxerBox>>>> for Ping[src]

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for DeniedUpgrade[src]

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for DeflateConfig where
    C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for KademliaProtocolConfig where
    C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for MplexConfig where
    C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin

type Output = Multiplex<C>

type Error = Error

type Future = Ready<Result<<MplexConfig as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output, Error>>

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for PlainText1Config[src]

type Output = C

type Error = Void

type Future = Ready<Result<C, <PlainText1Config as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error>>

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for PlainText2Config where
    C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin + 'static, 

type Output = (PeerId, PlainTextOutput<C>)

type Error = PlainTextError

type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<PlainText2Config as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output, <PlainText2Config as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error>> + 'static + Send, Global>>

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for YamuxConfig where
    C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin + 'static, 

type Output = Yamux<Incoming<C>>

type Error = Error

type Future = Ready<Result<<YamuxConfig as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output, <YamuxConfig as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error>>

impl<C> OutboundUpgrade<C> for YamuxLocalConfig where
    C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, 

impl<C, A, B, TA, TB, EA, EB> OutboundUpgrade<C> for EitherUpgrade<A, B> where
    A: OutboundUpgrade<C, Output = TA, Error = EA>,
    B: OutboundUpgrade<C, Output = TB, Error = EB>, 

type Output = EitherOutput<TA, TB>

type Error = EitherError<EA, EB>

type Future = EitherFuture2<<A as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future, <B as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future>

impl<C, A, B, TA, TB, EA, EB> OutboundUpgrade<C> for SelectUpgrade<A, B> where
    A: OutboundUpgrade<C, Output = TA, Error = EA>,
    B: OutboundUpgrade<C, Output = TB, Error = EB>, 

type Output = EitherOutput<TA, TB>

type Error = EitherError<EA, EB>

type Future = EitherFuture2<<A as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future, <B as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future>

impl<C, F, O, A, E> OutboundUpgrade<C> for SimpleProtocol<F> where
    C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
    F: Fn(C) -> O,
    O: Future<Output = Result<A, E>>, 

type Output = A

type Error = E

type Future = O

impl<C, P, F, Fut, Err, Out> OutboundUpgrade<C> for FromFnUpgrade<P, F> where
    F: FnOnce(C, Endpoint) -> Fut,
    P: ProtocolName + Clone,
    Fut: Future<Output = Result<Out, Err>>, 

type Output = Out

type Error = Err

type Future = Fut

impl<C, T> OutboundUpgrade<C> for OptionalUpgrade<T> where
    T: OutboundUpgrade<C>, 

type Output = <T as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output

type Error = <T as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error

type Future = <T as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future

impl<C, U, F> OutboundUpgrade<C> for MapInboundUpgrade<U, F> where
    U: OutboundUpgrade<C>, 

type Output = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output

type Error = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error

type Future = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future

impl<C, U, F> OutboundUpgrade<C> for MapInboundUpgradeErr<U, F> where
    U: OutboundUpgrade<C>, 

type Output = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output

type Error = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error

type Future = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future

impl<C, U, F, T> OutboundUpgrade<C> for MapOutboundUpgrade<U, F> where
    F: FnOnce(<U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output) -> T,
    U: OutboundUpgrade<C>, 

type Output = T

type Error = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error

type Future = MapFuture<<U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future, F>

impl<C, U, F, T> OutboundUpgrade<C> for MapOutboundUpgradeErr<U, F> where
    F: FnOnce(<U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Error) -> T,
    U: OutboundUpgrade<C>, 

type Output = <U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Output

type Error = T

type Future = MapErrFuture<<U as OutboundUpgrade<C>>::Future, F>

impl<T, C> OutboundUpgrade<T> for NoiseConfig<IK, C, (PublicKey<C>, PublicKey)> where
    C: Protocol<C> + AsRef<[u8]> + Zeroize + Send + 'static,
    T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
    NoiseConfig<IK, C, (PublicKey<C>, PublicKey)>: UpgradeInfo

type Output = (RemoteIdentity<C>, NoiseOutput<T>)

type Error = NoiseError

type Future = Handshake<T, C>

impl<T, C> OutboundUpgrade<T> for NoiseConfig<IX, C, ()> where
    C: Protocol<C> + AsRef<[u8]> + Zeroize + Send + 'static,
    T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
    NoiseConfig<IX, C, ()>: UpgradeInfo

type Output = (RemoteIdentity<C>, NoiseOutput<T>)

type Error = NoiseError

type Future = Handshake<T, C>

impl<T, C> OutboundUpgrade<T> for NoiseConfig<XX, C, ()> where
    C: Protocol<C> + AsRef<[u8]> + Zeroize + Send + 'static,
    T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
    NoiseConfig<XX, C, ()>: UpgradeInfo

type Output = (RemoteIdentity<C>, NoiseOutput<T>)

type Error = NoiseError

type Future = Handshake<T, C>

impl<T, P, C, R> OutboundUpgrade<T> for NoiseAuthenticated<P, C, R> where
    C: Protocol<C> + AsRef<[u8]> + Zeroize + Send + 'static,
    T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static,
    NoiseConfig<P, C, R>: UpgradeInfo,
    NoiseConfig<P, C, R>: OutboundUpgrade<T>,
    NoiseConfig<P, C, R>: 'static,
    <NoiseConfig<P, C, R> as OutboundUpgrade<T>>::Future: Send,
    <NoiseConfig<P, C, R> as OutboundUpgrade<T>>::Output == (RemoteIdentity<C>, NoiseOutput<T>),
    <NoiseConfig<P, C, R> as OutboundUpgrade<T>>::Error == NoiseError

type Output = (PeerId, NoiseOutput<T>)

type Error = NoiseError

type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<NoiseAuthenticated<P, C, R> as OutboundUpgrade<T>>::Output, <NoiseAuthenticated<P, C, R> as OutboundUpgrade<T>>::Error>> + 'static + Send, Global>>

impl<TCodec> OutboundUpgrade<Negotiated<SubstreamRef<Arc<StreamMuxerBox>>>> for RequestProtocol<TCodec> where
    TCodec: RequestResponseCodec + Send + 'static, 

impl<TSocket> OutboundUpgrade<TSocket> for FloodsubRpc where
    TSocket: AsyncWrite + AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'static, 

type Output = ()

type Error = Error

type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<FloodsubRpc as OutboundUpgrade<TSocket>>::Output, <FloodsubRpc as OutboundUpgrade<TSocket>>::Error>> + 'static + Send, Global>>

impl<TSocket> OutboundUpgrade<TSocket> for ProtocolConfig where
    TSocket: AsyncWrite + AsyncRead + Unpin + Send + 'static, 

type Output = (Framed<TSocket, GossipsubCodec>, PeerKind)

type Error = GossipsubHandlerError

type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<ProtocolConfig as OutboundUpgrade<TSocket>>::Output, <ProtocolConfig as OutboundUpgrade<TSocket>>::Error>> + 'static + Send, Global>>

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