Function bitvec::ptr::copy[][src]

pub unsafe fn copy<O1, O2, T1, T2>(
    src: BitPtr<Const, O1, T1>,
    dst: BitPtr<Mut, O2, T2>,
    count: usize
) where
    O1: BitOrder,
    O2: BitOrder,
    T1: BitStore,
    T2: BitStore

Copies count bits from src to dst. The source and destination may overlap.

If the source and destination will never overlap, copy_nonoverlapping can be used instead.

copy is semantically equivalent to C’s memmove, but with the argument order swapped. Copying takes place as if the bits were copied from src to a temporary array, then copied from the array into dst.



API Differences

The pointers may differ in bit-ordering or storage element types. bitvec considers it Undefined Behavior for two pointer regions to overlap in memory if they have different bit-orderings, and so will only perform overlap detection when O1 and O2 match.


Behavior is undefined if any of the following conditions are violated:

The type parameters T1 and T2 are permitted to differ.


Basic usage:

use bitvec::prelude::*;

let start = 0b1011u8;
let mut end = 0u16;

unsafe {
  bitvec::ptr::copy::<Lsb0, Msb0, _, _>(
    (&mut end).into(),
assert_eq!(end, 0b1101_0000__0000_0000);

Overlapping regions:

use bitvec::prelude::*;

let mut x = 0b1111_0010u8;
let src = BitPtr::<_, Lsb0, _>::from_mut(&mut x);
let dst = unsafe { src.add(2) };

unsafe {
  bitvec::ptr::copy(src.immut(), dst, 4);
assert_eq!(x, 0b1100_1010);
//                ^^ ^^ bottom nibble moved here